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parasyte 2 pat rxn.mp4

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The Parasite guy at the beginning saved that woman from those other guys to gain her trust then isolate and eat her. It seems the parasites are trying to do things discreetly since the news has been covering the murders so quickly. She also didn't survive at the end, he killed her along with the three guys


First I joined the new tier to check it out this month. Now the anime, the economic thing is not really important to the show it was mostly there just to show us how the parasytes learn (when we we a parasyte mimicking the person in the news). The guy who was a parasyte he didn’t save the girl he kills her with the thugs too, he mentions saying how he can’t fit 4 people in his stomach. At the end idk if the parasyte we see in the hotel room is the same one who killed the girl since he mentioned changing his face. The way parasytes die is kinda the same for all of them they use the hosts body to stay alive so if the hosts body is injured (like the heart being removed) they will die as well as the parasyte being removed from the hosts body. The parasyte we see in the satellite was migi it was showing us where the come from, the girls name is murano and idk if it’ll be a spoiler to talk about her or not.


It’s shows us that the more time passes the smarter their becoming since he was luring the girl into an area where he could kill her, as well as showing us how how well they are disguising themselves and blending into society.


Also don’t quote me on how they die, I’m mostly going by what I see lol. I could be wrong.


LMAO Migi's a menace. Trying to give Shinichi a quickie at school while next to that dude


Good reaction you seem in great form today. 😝 I didn’t think too much about it but the girl's behaviour at first , but after you pointed out she is definitively sus. They did repeat the “Izumi Shinichi is that you?” 2 times during the episode and she switched hand. For now I don’t believe she is infected because Migi (meaning right or right hand) would have detected her. Migi did tell Shinichi each time they were close to another alien/parasyte. You are right, Migi and Shinichi are affecting each other. With the kid and the cat I’m not sure if I’m leaning more toward Shinichi learning to control his hand power or Migi is still in full control but is influenced by Shinichi. 🤔 So far we’ve seen 2 ways of killing the parasyte. Either kill the host The parasyte will die in the case of the infected dog. Or kill the parasyte directly like in this episode. So they are not that hard to kill. Anyway I'm going to die tomorrow at work since I didn't have enough sleep 😆 Cheers.

Lennart Winne

Migi means "Right" as in the Right side ^^


Just 2 points if you dont mind. 1. Please pause the episode when ur going to do a lil dance or make any comments about the episode which take a bit longer. The dialogue in this anime is amazing and its really important to read every single sentence as the character development later on is all based on this. 2. In the beginning of the episode that parasyte did in fact kill the girl as well so hes not a hero. And while yes parasytes may differ in personalities it doesnt change the fact that they perform cannabilism and in fact eat humans.