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MOB 2X10 PAT RXN.mp4

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Fight on!


The audio for this sounded like normal, and really liked how the body improvement club stepped up and helped mob.


Living dangerously, I listen to everything on headphones. Your sound is fine. 😇. The reaction was great, I really enjoyed this episode’s reaction. At the end you were less self conscious about the audio level so even better. 👍 Good energy. I’m glad you had some good luck in your regular life. We all need some. Luck is just luck sometimes and/or some people get a lot of good luck while others none. Just enjoy it while it is there. About the episode. Reigen was partially right at the beginning. What can they do without Mob? But then he got fired up and came up with a decent plan altho it’s probably not going to work in the end. The Body Improvement club and Dimple were shining stars during this episode 😍 I can’t believe there are only 3 episodes left. My guess is Mob and the leader’s son will have to somehow work together otherwise on their own I don’t think they can beat the boss. Or this is Mob psycho and they can find inspiration elsewhere from somebody else and surprise us. I expect the unexpected. Great Job Cheers.