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I don't know if you did anything different but your hair looks extra good in this one. I really love this show; great reaction as always :)


Omg queen hairstyle 😍 and also heck yeah parasite 🙃😁🙃


New series time


The intro to this anime is still as good as I remember


My first time watching Parasite. Great reaction, from the look of it you seem to like it so it's going to be a lot of fun. Spot on analysis. The anime has a lot of potential. I have to watch more and get an idea of where it's going but it's a highly regarded anime so I'm sure it will be great. I think it said they can only shape shift the head, so the dog is stuck in a dog body. You kill the body, it will kill the head parasite. At the end the narrator said that someone thought "life must be protected" I don't know what it means but it hints that the anime is deeper than just killing other parasites. Well at least that is my hope and with the hype this anime has there is a good chance. BTW I know nothing and I didn't look at any info anywhere so I'm completely blind here. Oh your hair looks great by the way. Cheers.


Great reaction. The mic peak isn’t as pronounced as the last mob one but it was still happening a lot 😢


Some software may have updated and defaulted a changed setting or changed the way your previous settings interact. Had a windows update fuck up my headset settings more than once. Keep up the good work and hope you find the issue soon.


It's possible your gain is set super high (maybe on the mic physically, or in your recording settings, or in window's settings sometimes there's a gain setting), but I'm not even sure if it's the gain I know that if you turn speakers up too high you end up blowing them out and ruining them with a peaking effect, so maybe microphones are the same?


Parasyte is fun, rewatched it a few months ago, wasn't as good as my teenage self remembers but is still good, probably a 7.5 or 8.5/10