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HXH 148 PAT RXN.mp4

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Thanks for the journey


I'm pretty sure gotoh did die and that thing took his place to not upset killua about gotoh's death


The code geass movie is actually out! It’s on Amazon prime. A reaction would be fantastic ☺️


Yeah I think gotoh did die and the guy is there just so killua doesn’t know he passed away


My favorite arcs were 1. Chairman election arc 2. Heavens arena 3. Hunters exam 4. Chimera and and York new are tied for 4th 5. Greed island 6 . Zoldyc Arc

Christopher Rivera

Kiriko are shapeshifters, so they disguised as Gotoh to keep Killua from realizing he died. Perhaps even the Zoldycks don’t want their son to grieve? Or fear him holding a grudge against his brother (who hired his killer/Hisoka) and the family by extension since they still want him to become head of the family?


I’m so glad I found your channel. I guess it was the HxH reaction that brought me here. HxH is a great show that brings a lot to think about but in the end it’s not the one I connect with the most emotionally. Is your reaction to other shows TYE, TPN S1, to some extent Mob and TR that made me fall in love with this channel. You’ve been an important part of my life for the past year or so that I’ve been following you. And I’m sure for many other people here from the comments we get here and there. I hope you feel the love from this community. From your livestream you said you need confidences booster and reminder, that was mine 🥰❤️ I laugh at your first reaction when you saw the bird 😅. Good whole series review, There was so much to cover and you got pretty much everything that matters, More than I can remember right now from the series. The thing I remember the most is Meruem growth and Komugi. Then Alluka even if it was a short arc. The troop was good action wise. Biscuit was a fun character and I like her teaching. Through the whole series Killua and Gon relationship shines. The whole cast was great friends and enemies. I look forward to news shows. I think Haikyu's first season was great. I started the 2nd season but it’s on pause for me now. I guess there are other anime I’m more interested in now, probably going to pick it up when you get there. You’ve talked about Jobless reincarnation. Trying to keep the spoiler to a minimum. The anime starts with the MC as a baby so obviously he grew during the show and the end of the season is very different from the first part. Haven’t seen Parasite yet. I’m looking forward to it.

Christopher Rivera

The arc in the manga (called Succession War) is just getting out of the setup phase and is crazy. Best setup and has the potential to be the best of the series, including Chimera Ant, my favorite arc in anime. It’s like a Death Note style Game of Thrones in a way. The darkest and most complex arc of the series. There’s only 50 or so chapters though (about 20-25 episodes worth of content). There’s just so much going on and ready to explode (figuratively speaking, though not only figuratively).


Bitch IM GON


I think to expand on what Ging was saying to Gon was that you built your entire goal around meeting me, and now that you've found me, take a step back and look at what you gained and experienced through that and that is thousands more valuable than ever meeting your piece of shit selfish asshole father (sorry...). Ging was the goal, but such a small factor.

Christopher Rivera

My ranking 1 Chimera Ant 10/10 (favorite arc in anime) 2 York New 10/10 (top 5) 3 Election 10/10 (two jester antagonists? Lfg! And Nanika/Alluka/Killua dynamic with Zoldycks— also love the foreshadowing for Gon’s next arc) 4 Succession War 9/10 (manga-only; even though it’s only the setup so far it’s very special and the most ambitious, particularly plot-wise though also the largest cast for an arc in HxH) 5 Greed Island 9/10 (favorite training arc and mentor. Gon and Killua’s friendship was at it’s best here but dodgeball showed a crack foreshadowing their split and character flaws) 6 Heaven’s Arena 9/10 (Nen…) 7 Hunter Exam 8/10 (even here the seeds for politics and psychology were planted— manga version is better 9/10) 8 Zoldyck Family 7.5/10 (dragged out, should’ve been 2 episodes— the manga was only 4 chapters— important as it established Killua’s home life and family who were present in every arc)

Christopher Rivera

Hunter x Hunter top 35 1 Meruem 2 Netero 3 Gon 4 Killua 5 Chrollo 6 Hisoka 7 Pouf 8 Kurapika 9 Pariston 10 Ging 11 Komugi 12 Pitou 13 Tserriednich (manga only) 14 Ikalgo 15 Knuckle 16 Bisky 17 Palm 18 Youpi 19 Pakunoda 20 Uvogin 21 Morel 22 Illumi 23 Nobunaga 24 Melody 25 Welfin 26 Leorio 27 Kite 28 Alluka 29 Morena Prudo (manga only) 30 Real Diego 31 Koala 32 Mito 33 Oito (manga only) 34 Shoot 35 Kalluto

Christopher Rivera

In episode 1 when Gon was on the boat, the captain asked him, Leorio, and Kurapika why they wanted to become hunters. Gon said: “My dad’s a hunter and I want to follow in his footsteps.” But before climbing the world tree, the man who had him sign the waiver said to Gon: “Piece of advice. Don’t rely on the anchors left behind by climbers. People who make it do it barehanded. Like the guy up there right now” (he’s referring to Ging). Finding Ging was less about understanding his father than about understanding himself and that he shouldn’t try to become his father but his own person… this would be him and Killua switching places: with Gon finding what he wants to do next and Killua making his purpose about a family member (Alluka/Nanika). Similar to Chrollo who had an identity crisis but desperately tried to cope by reading others in the hope of understanding himself and what makes him different from others. Ging’s advice that you should apologize by promising to do things differently next time is foreshadowing Gon’s next character arc. This arc was his negative change arc, a corruption to be specific (which ends in the person either dying or having to accept their faults in the aftermath, apologize, and make amends). We can expect the next arc to be positive. The Koala’s speech on reincarnation is also fitting in with this theme— rebirth was a strong throughout Chimera Ant— Gon isn’t irredeemable and survived due to forming a strong bond beforehand, almost like a down payment on his future costly actions. Financial metaphors are also frequent in this series. Gon being conservative with money while Killua was a gambler and spent millions on candy (the opposite of their fighting styles— Gon reckless with injuries, Killua cautious— shown as a weakness in financial terms with Gon losing Knuckle’s bankruptcy). There’s also a sign that Nanika’s commands from Killua aren’t debt-free… her wishes require the user to fulfill 3 demands, but failure costs them their life and their loved one/s. But Killua already gives Alluka the love she wants, so she doesn’t have requirements for him?! Instead she gives him what he wants knowing she will get his affection afterwards. But Killua says she gets tired after healing— I think this hints at the cost of Nanika granting his commands are negatively affecting Alluka. What if she is paying for Killua’s commands with her lifespan? What if the years of power Gon was given was shaved off Alluka’s life in exchange for Gon’s curse? In financial terms, she paid off his loans… how will Gon and Killua feel about this? Also, remember Silva said Nanika is not family, she comes from “somewhere else.”


React to the movies too

Christopher Rivera

The movies are so bad… the series is a 10/10 for me while the movies are a 3-4/10 and basically filler that is not written by Togashi, not quite true to the original characters nor as carefully crafted but just shallow, watered down versions. I honestly slept through both the movies before. I’d only give the Phantom Rouge a shot for the 10 minutes or whatever of canon Kurapika backstory but that isn’t adapted in full so you’re better off reading the 2 chapters.


The anime is complete, since it began with and finished with Gon's arc. Ep 1, I'm gonna find my dad. Ep 148, I found my dad. There's a ton of the manga after where this ends, and I don't even care that it's not a finished arc, I've read it like 5 times over now (from where this episode leaves off). It's mind blowing. Togashi never misses. Some of the most interesting stuff in the whole manga takes place after the end of the anime.


Without spoiling too much about what happens in the manga the story basically switches perspectives and we follow Kurapika(and even Ging somewhat) on his journey instead and he pairs up and faces off again with some familiar and brand new faces, it's a great setup arc that has potential to be even better than the Chimera Ant arc.


Great list I have high hopes for Morena and Tserriednich if Togashi ever continues with the story


Honestly, I loved this series finale so much. I think it did an amazing job bringing the series to the end. When you started this series, I was so excited to see your reaction to some of these episodes, and you did not disappoint. Thank you for this incredible journey. Great job as always.

Christopher Rivera

The most recommended analyses on Gon Freecss! There’s a lot of glossing over Gon’s behavior and widespread misunderstandings due to some popular youtube videos and people misunderstanding the videos themselves. Most think he is either a monster or that he has no morality or no empathy (a kid who worried about hurting a tree in Greed Island? Lmao) which is obviously false if we remember his apprehension towards people killing each other over cards in Greed Island though like the Hunter Exam he accepts that people are choosing these risks just as he does, it’s why he was never angry at Hanzo because Gon chose to take the exam knowing the risks, it would be hypocritical otherwise, but he was angry at the centaur-ant stomping those two humans to death like dogs (Kite had to hold him back from running towards their trap). Gon is not insand but he has a skewed understanding of the world and an abnormal psychology, but other than when his friends are in danger or he experiences grief for the first time, he’s pretty well-functioning and safe to be around. There’s also the idea that Gon only cares about his pride but it’s not his pride driving him but shame— the fight with Hanzo ended with him saying Gon is not driven by pride. I say shame as it relates to his tendency to feel weak, inadequate, and to blame himself for things frankly outside his control; also relates to his strong attachment to Kite and his need to find Ging for his approval and for Gon to prove something to himself. Before meeting Kite, Gon believed his parents were both dead. But Kite tells him Ging is alive once recognizing he must be Ging’s son and seeing him protect a wild foxbear despite it clawing into him and bloodying his soldiers. He blamed himself for the death of the foxbear’s mother, and I think he must’ve blamed himself for his parents’ death. But being told his father was alive was a sort of redemption and unending source of optimism once hearing from Kite that finding Ging would win his “final stamp of approval.” That’s when he decides to become a hunter like Kite and find Ging. To understand Gon it would help to first watch this video on Gon comparing the differences in how the manga characterizes him versus the anime in the first few chapters “ by youtuber Evynne x Evynne: Link: https://youtu.be/_6gWvXkAzgk So the 2nd analysis is a great thread by reddit user maniacmartial: “Gon’s Morality: Curiosity, Empathy, Judgement” Link: www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/nxoh89/gons_morality_curiosity_empathy_and_judgment/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body The 3rd analysis is on Gon’s abandonment issues by Triplex123: “Gon’s Self-Worth and Abandonment Issues” Link: www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/n2a9f1/gons_selfworth_and_abandonment_issues/ A video on Gon’s experience of the 5 stages of grief including his back and forth between denial, sadness, and anger and bottling his emotions leading to stronger emotions and ultimately his transformation: https://youtu.be/kYRGd8mcL_Q A 4th analysis is called “Gon’s Outlook on The World (How He Changed)” Link: https://youtu.be/80HDlal4ozw Lastly, after understanding his motivations and character development this video is a bit simplistic on his morality but it’s great in giving details on the story structure and story themes around Gon… I think all these perspective give the clearest and most in depth understanding of Gon’s overall character: “Why Gon’s Fall into Darkness is So Controversial” Link: https://youtu.be/TPPSXtarDGo And another Killua video by Ohara: “Why Killua Has A Big Heart” Link: https://youtu.be/9cYcMoe7a2Q


8: 14 what your fans think of you.


I wonder if you are interested in watching the two hxh movies? They were great imo


Hell yes, what a journey, I really hope the show continues some day... and thank you for the reactions, they were all 10/10 😁

Diego Zenhäusern

I don't know whether I'd ever dared to takle (and probably even less finish) such a long series without your reactions. So thank you for going through this along with me, it was a blast!

Diego Zenhäusern

Hmm, interesting🤔 After my first time watching it, I think I'd go: 1. Chimera ant 2. Chairman election 3. Yorknew 4. Greed island 5. Hunter exam 6. Heavens arena 7. Zoldyc Though I'm not positive about that order...especially for places 4 to 6🤔