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The manga is in its final ark, but 2 more seasons at the very least

Ok Great

I just started reading the manga straight after watching this as I couldn't not find out what happens after the cliff hanger, I did not expect to love this series as much as I do!


That a great ending to an amazing show. For once I can't blame Takamichi. He is way out of his depth. He didn't spend 12 years building his division and Toman. If you take any DVD store clerk and throw him in a top position of a criminal organization for sure he going to get killed. There is no way Takamichi has any experience to know what to do. In a small gang that only fight he may had a chance but in a real criminal organization he stood no change. What I still don't understand is what everyone is seeing in Takamichi. Why did Badji trusted him? Chifuyu I can understand is because he's following Baji. But even Tetta it seem? I'm a bit disappointed we didn't adult Mitsyua, But maybe because he is way more important and they want to keep him a surprise. We can always hope 😉. BTW I haven't seen the Manga and I don't plant to. I want the anime to be my first reaction.


there is atleast enough material for 2 more seasons. i fell of the manga after like 2 and half more arcs and there were still a lot of chapters left.