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Sorry it’s so late!


mob 2x8 pat rxn.mp4

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Fight on….😢 I broke when I saw the burned body…excited to see the reaction.


Amazing that you said this doesn’t seem like the calm before the storm and the anime just hold my beer’d you.

Dev Bhavsar

Lol this episode gave me emotional whiplash when I first watched it!


Loved the reaction! As soon as you started reacting to mob, this was the episode I was most excited for. And your reaction was the same as mine! I also theorised that it was an illusion or a fake or something; as I just couldn't believe that the author would do something so horror to his family.


I'm so glad I recommended this show oh so many months ago, bet this reaction will be good :) And later ones too obviously, especially the ending


I didn’t see the ending coming at all. 🤯 In other anime they usually have some hint that something big is coming but no here 😱. I also think the dead bodies are fake. The claw boss' son didn’t seem like someone that would kill them. He said the parents would complicate things. Why would it complicate things if it’s just killing them. One murder or 3 don’t complicated thing much. Kidnaping and keeping them somewhere that would be more complicated. I believe the claw members last season weren’t killed, just defeated. I think for whatever reason he wants the mob to go into overdrive so he plans the dead bodies. About the girl at first I wasn’t too keen on her but you're right. She is a goal for Mob and he improved so much because he had that goal. Even if in the end they don’t get together, Mob's journey and growth is the most important and still happened, that's what counts, the journey. Great reaction and analysis again thanks for pointing that out.


I forgot to add, Not gonna lie I did smirk a bit when they said Mob [running] form is all wrong 😉🤗