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hxh 142 pat rxn.mp4

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W late night upload !

Jessica Sutherland

Girl, I totally vouch for you on the menstrual cycle cramps. Doing more active activities such as working out too usually makes my flow heavy with a shitton of cramps lmaooo (all the guys reading this are probably like "please stfu" LMFAOOOOOO). But yeah, periods are exhaustinggggggg ugh. I hope you're feeling better though! Have you ever tried any herbal remedies like tea or capsules or even smoking legal herbs for the pain?? I'm happy you uploaded at all today despite you being drained. You're really doing the most for all of us! <3 Its gonna be really weird once your hxh reactions are over.. I've been watching your reactions to it since Yorknew City. Do you have another anime in mind yet thats gonna end up replacing it or are you gonna do another poll??? Also, are you thinking about reading the manga once you finish the anime? Its not much further from the anime but I think its worth the read but I'm a fangirl of the series so I'm very biased lmao. But yeah, on to your reaction... I believe Bisky is a transmuter and Tsubone (the old lady/motorcycle) is a conjurer. But I could be totally wrong about that. :/


Well another reaction to mess up with my sleep schedules, and your Insta Live now mess up with my work schedule. 😜 But it's all good, The more AP I get in a day the better I feel. Keep up the good work ❤️, I love this arc for Killua and Alluka's relationship. Everything else they only have a few episodes to wrap it up so a lot is happening but they don’t have much time to expand much.

Diego Zenhäusern

I have to say, that I really respect you're self awareness for knowing that you've got only one episode in you today. So I totally support your decison to do only one episode...and if you don't feel like doing two the next time that's good to, because you and your well being matter more than getting as much episodes as possible! Basically: Good on you for standing up for and listening to yourself!

Diego Zenhäusern

I don't think I did expect Gotho to win...but I hoped he'd just get away without dying🙈


Good reaction Lexi don't push yourself too much, don't worry about the gym either; when you get used to the workouts you won't feel as sluggish afterwards anymore.

Diego Zenhäusern

You know, the more I learn about it, the happier I am that I don't have to go through all of that crap as a male😕🙈


I’m glad you didn’t record a second episode when you couldn’t do it. Don’t ever feel like you have to force yourself to record. Great reaction as always.

Diego Zenhäusern

So, I'm totally nitpicky here, but: If Killua always refers to Alluka as female, why does Morel think that she's male (because he shouldn't have heard from her from otherwise, so he'd only know the things Killua told him)