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mob 2x01 pat rxn.mp4

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Season 1 was a 7/10 for me but season 2 is absolutely a 10/10 for me, so really looking forward to this


I’m sorry again for writing a super long comment but here goes. 😅 I’m sorry you have an issue with your family. It seems like everyone around me has some kind of issue or another. So you’re not alone. Well you don’t choose our family. I like mine but with a bit of distance and not too much in one session. That is one of the better perks of having my own place.😋 Probably really bias since we only hear it from you but you seem to be doing a lot of things for your family driving your siblings around taking care of your Grandma and stuff, They sound like ungrateful b***. Sorry if that was uncalled for but I do get mad when people I know get into toxic relationships with friends, family or otherwise. 😡 And walking away from an argument that goes nowhere is often the best thing to do. 👍 I hope you know from the comment that a lot of people really appreciate you as a reactor and a person. You're valid, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. For my part I have some issues connecting with my emotion so I kind of feel numb. The last year and a half with COVID did not help at all. Your channel is kind of a catalyst. It allows me to reconnect with my emotions and make every episode so much better and overall a great boost to my mental health in general. I’m grateful for that. 🤗 I’m glad that Mob makes you feel better. Onto the episode. I’m glad Mob met Emi. I hope it turns into a healthy relationship. About his childhood crush, well she moved on, and that is perfectly fine. You can’t fake or force liking someone. From past experience Mob hanging to those feelings will go nowhere and can become really toxic. You're fixated on something that is not there and missing out on everything else that is real. When I was younger I wasted so much time on people that didn’t care about me instead of investing on people that do. Reigen is alright yes he’s a con artist but he did help everyone that employed him and this last job he only took a few seeds as payment since the farmer had nothing.


One of my favourite anime scenes ever, the music and animation with the torn novel got me so emotional the first time I saw it. I knew immediately from there that this would be a fantastic season :)


i think the intro and outro are fine to watch. the outro changes over the season to avoid any spoilers


Hi Awake.. Raymond here. Left a message on patreon.