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hxh 133 pat rxn.mp4

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Osu part 2!


One of the more interesting themes I love in this arc has been Meruems accent into humanity, and Gon's decend into beasthood.


134 will better explain the gist of what Palm was talking about, however it seems you mostly understood the point. Humanity is capable of beautiful things but at the same time the most cruel things as well


Hey, one again great reaction and analysis. You got the gist of all the important stuff. You got a bit confuse by the contest and who searching for who but not that it matter now like Palm said they are dying. You also do a good job seeing everyone (characters) point of view🥰 To be completely honest I'm a bit sad 😥 that you don't read every comment but I guess it's understandable when there is long discussion in the comment. I wish patreon had a way to tell us which message you read a bit like the YouTube channel creator like. Last thing very very soon, they will be an after credit scene. It will be super obvious when we get there but I don't want to take the change of you missing it. Cheers


Think you got Ikalgo and Meleoron's human lives a little mixed up. Meleoron was raised by Peggy. Ikalgo and Welfin just worked for Giro in the NGL shady government/mafia. Great reaction as always though :)


Great reactions as always. Just an info for episode 135, there is a post credit scene you don't want to miss.


There is a post credit scene very soon. Without spoiling which ep, I'll just say when the ending sequence/music is different, just keep watching. its kinda obvious when itll happen

Christopher Rivera

The episode James mentioned has no opening and a different ending song. Watch up to 23:25 or when it fades to white (trust me you’ll not want to watch the preview for the episode after).


Great reaction as always.

Killua X

HIIII, EPISODE 135 does NOT end when the credits roll FYI <3


A few days late, and it's probably not too important for you to know, but I wanted to clear up a point of confusion. When Palm and Ikalgo were talking about their allies being captured and making an exchange for Komugi, they were referring to Knuckle and Meleoron who were knocked out by the king the previous episode. Palm guessed that they were keeping them as hostages when she saw the king drop them when she was using her power to watch Pouf.