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TYE 1X16 PAT RXN.mp4

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I had the exact same reaction when the episode end. WHAT it's already over!!!🤣 I actually scream out loud. They did wrote a good backstory for Tonari, and for a while I didn't know what to think about her since she didn't do anything bad in her backstory but then you remind me how she acted last few episode so 😅 They way she acted with her father after the coliseum, I was so confused, She broken a bit. Anyway great reaction as always.


I'm probably the .01% that likes Tonari. I get that hate for her or atleast those who find her annoying because of her tendencies, but I find it nice to have a character that isn't sweet and wholesome like March or best boy Gugu. I love how the show didn't try to make us immediately get attached or invested in Tonari like the boy, March or Gugu straight off the bat. Call me a Tonari apologist (I am), but she was brought to this foreign, dark, prison island at such a young an impressionable age. It's only natural to pick up habits and adapt, especially after seeing her father take delight in murder, possibly implying he might have killed her mother. At that point, she basically believed and followed her father for no reason. At least as an orphan she would have been free. While I like some sweet wholesome characters, Tonari feels a little more realistic because she isn't some bucket of rainbow in the face of darkness. Sorry for the essay. Just feels like most people hate her for being manipulative when it's reasonable why she'd only initially care about herself and her friends while seeing Fushi as an escape ticket, though I think we'll see her change a bit more.


Congrats on (exactly) 400 patrons! I don’t know if you hit it before, I’m just saying it now since I noticed it haha