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tye 1x10 patreon reaction.mp4

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Gugu is the MVP. Loved the reaction, as always!


This episode had me thinking something bad was gonna happen but it ended with me just wishing they live a happy life forever XD


Disclaimer I haven't seen the manga nor anything past episode 10 so I don't know anything about the future, I think you're a bit too hard on "God", When there is a God in a story there are a few way to approach it. In some god intervene a lot but then it only become a story of godly power fighting together which I believe is not where this anime goes. I believe they choose "God" intervene in the least possible way so so see someone with almost only human power and knowledge overcome difficultly without the help of God. Fushi is immortal and can create object but he still only have the strength of the form he takes so it's a story of Fushi overcoming difficulty on his own and not God fighting other god. We have minimal intervention by God to keep the story balance. The more god help the more they have to give stronger enemies to keep balance and then it become a totally different anime in terms of the tone of the stories. This is the story of Fushi figuring stuff on his own without the help of God.


March is gonna get to grow up :)


The title of this show is "To Your Eternity" which I think means Fushi is going to live for a very long time. Thousands maybe millions of years. Which also means everyone Fushi meets will die but not necessarily die young. Fushi might stay with some people their entire lives till they die of old age. Also from a certain point of view you could say that Kami(God) is training Fushi. All the experiences and stimulation that Fushi has been through and will go through is his training. The whole world is Fushi's training ground.


This is off topic but I've just been watching an older anime called Bleach which I might have recommended you react to if there weren't so many filler episodes. I've been skipping the fillers but it's still a slog to get through because a lot of episodes spend 5 minutes recapping what's already happened. There's just too damn much padding and it's a pity because it's a really good series overall. I had to bring the show up because there's a white haired boy (you're favourite) in it who is pretty badass. Plus I think he has the same voice actress as Killua. That actor might have gotten typecast to play white haired boys.


Hitsugaya and Killua do not have the same VA... Their voices aren't even remotely similar..?? Furthermore a VA does not get casted based on a characters hair. Mariya Ise (Killuas VA) has done over 120 different characters. And maybe 5 of them have white or whiteish hair.


In my defence I only said I think. I don't know why I thought they sounded the same. I just looked at some clips on YouTube and you're right they're not really alike. I think it was that they both have fairly cool/restrained personas most of the time. I confused their personalities with their voices. Also it was just a joke about getting cast based on hair colour. Which obviously wouldn't hold up with a sample size of 2 and since I was wrong it's not even that many.


No you're fine! I'm sorry if I came off rude in anyway, I have a bad habit of being/sounding like an ass online.