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HXH 113-114 PAT RXN.mp4

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Dillon Hansel

AAAAAHHHHHH I'M SO HYPE FOR YOUR REACTIONS TO THE METRIC FUCKTON OF SHIT THAT'S GOING DOWN NOW! I seriously love everything that happens here at the palace. So kuch atuff happens in such a short amount of time. As of the King's departure, a single digit number of minutes have passed at most. For time scale purposes. So many people get character development and it's just a wild ride. I hope you have fun with what I consider the pinnacle episodes of the show.


See you guys next week for the main event.


I wish I could travel through time to see her reaction to that fucking masterpiece that is ep 116... I can't wait. Honestly this arc is slow as shit but episodes like 116-126-131-135 are what make this arc one of the best in anime history


Ive watched Hunter x Hunter a bajillion times. I still don't really know what that Gon/Killua "Let's go" scene was all about. I feel like maybe the japanese word could be interpreted in different ways? Only thing I can think that makes sense. Cause dunno what else he means by Let's go, taking the english definition into account.


About the name Hagya - that was Leol's name before they left the Queen's colony. It's easy to miss, but there were brief comments on how Leol gets angry if called Hagya now. Flutter was Leol's #2, so that is why it's suspicious.

Samir Larras

My best guess is he meant "Let's go kill Pitou." instead of "Let's go keep her away from the king." It's a slight distinction, but a very important one.


So, there’s a lot of confusion about that “Let’s go” scene. This of course is only my personal belief but I figured I’d give my thoughts. I think Killua wanted to ask Gon if when he said “let’s go”, if he wanted Killua to go with him, and work beside him. We’ve seen time and time again that Killua doesn’t feel worthy of being friends with Gon. I think Killuas fear of losing Gon came from Gina emotional state. He knows how angry Gon is, so I think his fear comes from how Gon may respond, or if he’d react in some sort of outburst. Great reaction as always.

Jessica Sutherland

Next episode bout to be hype asffffff. I can't wait!!!! When are you recording it lmao

Matthew Martin

If episode 114 almost made you cry I would recommend having tissues at the ready for all future episodes. You will be bawling in one of them but which one you will have to wait and see.


anyone know when there'll be links to ep 113-120? 😭😭