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hxh 111-112 pat rxn.mp4

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To put in perspective how strong Meruem is, picture Pitou, as a chihuahua. Meruem's a Siberian tiger. They're not even in the same category. That said, yes, in terms of aura capacity and output, Pitou is approximately 2-3x stronger than Netero at age 110. But since this is Nen, least just say, Netero's ability (The 100 hand type Guanyin Bodhisattva) would toy with her in an actual 1v1. Zeno wasn't hyping it up for no reason. But you'll know that soon.


Dropbox stream stop at the 1hour mark but the download is fine.


I wouldn't use the word "toy" ..the problem is Guanyin Bodhisattva wouldn't do nearly enough damage to actually kill her it would only keep her from attacking in which case it turns into a battle of endurance.. which Netero would lose. (I would go into more details on why this would be a bad matchup for Netero but thats spoiler territory) . Just know the writer knew what he was doing when avoiding certain match ups lol


Ahhh, this why I'm a patron. One of the only reactors to pick up on the King's words to Pitou and its meaning. Keep up the great work AP! By the way, what did you think of how the King handled the situation after asking Pitou to heal Komugi? I think it really speaks to the King's state of mind in a nice way. That even after the two assassins who severely injured the only person he cared about are in the room, he doesn't lash out or go berserk on them, but instead just calmly offers to go to a different location. Not sure what he's thinking, but it's quite different from what a happy boy in green did in a similar situation don't ya think :P


I was also really happy when she was enjoying the Netero backstory, as I have seen many reactors get annoyed about it; as they just wanted to see fighting 24/7.

Samir Larras

The Dragon Dive was actually Zeno's, Killua's grandfather, technique. That's why Killua understood what was going on immediately when the dragons came down.


Two of the most incredible episodes in Anime, reaction was perfection as usual <3 And no, it is not strange that you teared up because of Netero's training and dedication and gratitude. Its a very powerful moment, eloquent writing, and delivery at its absolute finest.


I’m having trouble opening this video in Dropbox, and anyone help?


As I’ve said, if you feel really exhausted, you don’t have to film a reaction. Honestly, I’ve been so excited to see your reaction to these episodes, just because of how incredible they are. The narrator called Netero a monster in the same way Wing referred to Gon, not a bad person, but someone with incredible power. Great reaction as always.

Killua X

Hey AP, mega link doesn't work for me. idk if it's just me or what, just wanted to let you know. I can use the other links, just letting u know the mega isn't working for me, that's all

yo kel!

We have arrived at the bread and butter episodes of this arc

Dillon Hansel

LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO!!!! Also, when Netero is referred to as a monster, it's lrss in the sense of behavior and more in the sense of him being monstrously strong, the same was when the King is referred to as a monster. But I'm so fuckung hyped now, get ready for 20~ish episodes of madness and rollercoaster rides. Meruem's character evolution is probably some of the best writing in all of anime. You've already seen how he changed from his initial disposition after birth to his prolonged time spent with Komugi. His interaction with her has lasted a mere single digit number of days but it has already visibly changed him. And the changes won't stop here. I'm super excited to see your take on Meruem's continued character evolution. (Let's be honest, he's the real main character of this arc. Gon, you're great, but my ant boi is too fascinating)

Raphael Lyons

He's not a monster in a sense that he's a bad guy the narrator was talking about strength