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I saw parasyte and mob the most and then I added slime season 2 because I figured it’s popular and I did season 1 so it seemed like a no brained. I also really enjoyed the first season. 😁👍


Dillon Hansel

Rooting for Slime Time


You'll fall in love with mob, guaranteed


Mob Psycho has some crazy good fight scenes. It definitely is at the top of my list. Parasyte was really good when I was watching it but now I don't remember most of it so i guess it wasn't that good if only a few things stuck with me. Mob Psycho: 9/10. Parasyte: 6,5/10

Jessica Sutherland

Looking forward to any of them but rooting for Parasyte since you've expressed interest in it before! Regardless of the results, I'm sure you'll enjoy any one of them.


Parasyte here 👍


Parasyte Gang is just gonna keep taking Ls until Awake reacts to Mob Psycho I guess sigh

Jessica Sutherland

Don't lose hope!!! Its a pretty tight race so far lol. I just wonder how long she's gonna keep the poll up to decide.


Really want Parasyte reactions, but Mob Psycho is good too I guess :)


You can do it Mob!


Mob is so good

Eli Kisamo

Parasyte Gang come through.


Mob if you want MHA, but better. Parasyte for philosophical implications. That's one of the many things that inspired the Chimera Arc greatness.

Justin Yong

I cast my vote for parasite. Mob psycho is a great series too so I won't be mad either way. Please consider getting to parasite and fate zero at some point though! :)


Parasite is an interesting work that visually influenced Terminator 2. Terminator 2 was shown during the serialization of Parasite. Subsequently, Terminator 2 influenced the action of Parasite.


oh god I can't wait for you to react to mob psycho! I hope that wins! If parasyte wins ill still be happy because that's also a fantastic series


I am good with any of these. Never watched Mob, but it looks like it’s winning so I get a new experience out of this. FMAB was a good one, even though I didn’t end up loving it. The reactions made it more enjoyable.


Mob psycho, yes!