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I have to beat you all to the punch. That thumbnail is 🤣😭😂

local tapwater

You rag on yourself a lot for missing stuff, but you are honestly a lot more perceptive with this show than most of the reactors that I have seen haha

Lye Batenkaitos

Absolutely beautiful episode! Btw i wanna share with you the exact words of how the chapter ended in the novel: "And so began the pair's first battle, one of the many, many times Beatrice the spirit and her contractor, Subaru natsuki, would fight hand in hand." Beatrice is now subaru's spirit! Just like how emilia had puck (Puck broke his contract with emilia though as we saw in previous episodes). Of course it's important to note that subaru and beatrice relationship isn't romantic, but familial - which would be similar to loving a pet lol. Also - regarding roswaal, i'll explain by next ep if you still have questions!

Lye Batenkaitos

Memorable Subaru quote: "For someone like you who will live forever, your time with me might just feel like a moment... So -i'll engrave it all into your soul. That Subaru Natsuki was a man so memorable that through all of eternity - he'll never fade into Sepia." I must say - i really did enjoy how beatrice didn't fall for Subaru's words so easily. It took alot of convincing which is awesome, because if it only took 2 sentences to reverse 400 years worth of mental damage, it would have felt cheap. Re zero makes sure that dialogue isn't cheap. If you're going to tell Beatrice to stay with you, you better convince her!


This was my favourite episode of part 2 of season 2 if not my favourite episode of the season. The title of the episode "Choose Me" is just so powerful when you understand what it means. The one thing that disappointed me was that before this episode there were a lot of reactors who were saying why doesn't Subaru just say he's "That Person" and even after seeing this episode they still don't understand why that was the wrong choice. In this episode Beatrice admitted she would have clung to the lie if Subaru had said he was "That Person" but Subaru knew that would destroy her in the long run because she would be lying to herself. Beatrice had to give up on "That Person" in order to move on with her life.


One of the problems with anime is that characters are drawn a bit like Mr Potato Head where the only way to tell them apart is by their hairstyle as well as their hair and eye colour. It was touched on last episode but a lot of people missed the fact that the body of Echidna in the tomb does not look like the Echidna that Subaru and Emilia met in the trials. In the book when Emilia sees the body in the tomb she wonders who it is and thinks that it looks a lot like Echidna like maybe an older sister. The body in the tomb has the same basic features as the Echidna we've seen in the trials but is different in subtle ways. That's hard to get across in animation sometimes.


agreed here; for someone (both Beatrice & Roswaal) who has built his whole life on this for 400 years, it would be kinda cheap to just go with it because "well, you're the MC & the Chosen One, so I guess I'll just go with it"; heard some people say this was "dragging it out", but I think in reverse, some other shows just rush it to check off the plot point


if he had just gone with "I am that person", he would have done exactly as Roswaal told him to & only gone with what was convenient FOR HIM, not with what would be good for Beatrice.


What I love about how it ended with Beatrice is that Subaru made it all about HER CHOICE, not about following the book by saying he's that person...I feel like a big theme of the whole show is moving on and trusting in your own choices. Some reactions I've seen just were just like "duh, everyone dies one day!", but I think it's different from humanxhuman, where your lifespan is comparable & you MIGHT loose them early, vs humanxspirit, where she already lived through about 5-6 human lifespans & it's guaranteed that she will outlive all her friends...stings a little different if you already know how much it hurts (from loosing Ryuzu) & it's guaranteed to happen again


Time for some cut-content and hints! 1. This episode actually cut out some intense moment where not only was Subaru being chased by a half-dead King Mabeast, but also a half-dead Elsa, who was only driven by the will to "cut open Subaru's bowels." And the latter would be disintegrated in the Backdraft (that explosion you saw near the end with the mansion) 2. It's actually revealed during this part that the reason Subaru could find Beatrice so easily, despite her hiding, is because his high infinity for Dark magic. 3. Notice how Emilia's legs were freezing up right before he showed up? It was because Emilia was going to repeat what she did before by using so much power she ends up freezing herself in ice. That takes some guts! 4. What was meant by Ram "knowing what [burning the book" meant," was that she was prepared to die. Broken Roswaal was only healing Ram because it was a daily habit he had to secure their pact between them. You actually see this at the end of the Mansion arc. 5. "Sounds like Echidna." No comment 6. The clone sacrificing herself was actually a clone that was banished from the group due to entering the testing grounds to get Kid Gar. She did the noble thing and took it upon herself to "fulfill her duties" by herself. 7. One of Roswaal's predecessors was a woman! So let's say your spirit transfer theory is true; it would explain why his mannerisms are on the more feminine side, yes? 8. More signs that Roswaal trying to emulate Hector. Puck calls him out again with "You'll always just be human. You'll never be like him" And him screaming "Boku" instead of his usual "Watashi."


I'll end with something that this thread is about; Beatrice took a liking to Subaru and not everyone else who visited, because of the sole fact that Subaru saw her as herself, not as the Spirit Who Protected the Forbidden Tome. Remember, All Roswaals and visitors came for the knowledge, not for the girl. Her fondness is formed when she helps him with the bite curse way back in season one. But her dread of being alone came back when he went to the capital without her knowing. BUT THEN he came back and gave her hope that he might be "that person." BUT THEN he said he wasn't that person. With 400 years of jadedness, loneliness, and much baggage, it's no wonder she was in such an emotional state. Lucky she grabbed at the hand promising a fleeting but hopeful tomorrow to start healing her old wounds.


I thought I remembered something from the book about some people reaching out to Beatrice for her sake over the 400 years but her being too afraid to trust them and turning them away. True most people came to her because they were after the knowledge but even Beatrice acknowledged that some of them might have been genuine. I'd say more than anything it was fear of making the wrong decision that kept her prisoner for so long.


I’m still a bit unclear on what Ryuzu did by sacrificing herself. The crystal disappeared. What does that mean? I thought the barrier was already down. If I’m not supposed to know then don’t tell me, but if I am supposed to know, please clarify!


I don’t know what to think. Subaru is getting almost OP now. I already consider charisma a power in most fiction, but now he’s got real power to back it up, especially if he’s in an actual contract with Beatrice.

Kevin Lee

I don’t know anyone noticed that yet or not. Actually the Echidna that Subaru meet isn’t the one Betty and roswaal known. Why? Because... 1. They never show her face in the memories of Betty and roswaal. 2.Emilia doesn’t recognise her in her graveyard, although Emilia already know her in the trials. 3. the one in their memories, her personalities is slightly different. 4. In this episode, on 18:41, Beatrice said “Saying he was off to see witch of greed”. Beatrice and rosewaal never call echidna to witch of greed, Beatrice usually call her mom and roswaal will call her Teacher. Also thts a theory, Echidna actually is on the good side and helped the main character in the dark. You can think about it, if she had the book of wisdom, which is mean she already knows what will happen in the future, just like doctor strange, she can see all the possibilities. Everything roswaal did was echidna asked to, so what is the meaning of all this? send the assassins to the Mansion, cause the snow and attract the Great rabbits, what is the outcome of all this? The main character actually developed more in this season. is that what Echidna want, she knows the future, so it’s really possible that she plans all this to let them grow. one more thing, Subaru should be “that person”, book of wisdom should have showed to echidna, Subaru will be the one who come to Beatrice, so she give her a reason to live the lonely days “ wait for that person”, Actually you can feel tht in the memory, echidna is a bit care about Beatrice, she wants Beatrice to live. Sorry my English is not really good. Just trying to share my thoughts.