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HXH 109-110 patreon rxn.mp4

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(For 17:25) The king was pertaining to the hawk because pitou couldn't have sensed Knov entering because she was busy healing the King that time. Her En was disengaged.

Killua X

The next 2 (or 21) episodes though... we're finally here...


I don't think Komugi is a young kid. Think she's just a bit useless at everything except Gungi, and the snot make it seem like she's younger; but on one of the first episodes she was in, it said she's been playing Gungi professionally for 10 years. I reckon even if you were a prodigy, even starting professionally at 5 or 6 could be a push. Im thinking she must be older than 15 at least


Yep we don't have any official age. I would guess she's 23 that look like a 12 year old 😜 AP


She is not a child, since she is been competing as a gungi player professionally for more than 10 years (as she had invented her move during a professional match). So even if she's a prodigy, she would have been at least started out at 5-6 years old. That would make her at least 16 years old or older. since Pouf refers her as 'onna' (woman) instead of 'girl' shows she's a grown up in others' eyes. I think she's at least 18 or 19. She just came off infantile because she is a total geek on Gungi and lacks skills/interest in anything else.


Stress can cause premature hairloss or greying, which is why Knov's hair is grey.

m dunt

omg this is so hyped you stopped at a cliffhanger :P erm i love how you went back to make sure you fully grasped what was happening or said. I feel you might need to do that alot over the next few as their is alot happening and i would appreciate you going back to be sure before moving forward. its very dense and took me a few rewatches so just a heads up


I think the King sees Komugi as someone worthy of his respect. What happened to Knov was the result of extreme stress and anxiety. Keep in mind the only ones we’ve seen talk about the king playing with Komugi have been Pouf and Youpi. Outside of when she had to heal the kings arm. She may not know why Komugi is there. Great reaction as always

Diego Zenhäusern

But the king was playing Komugi the whole time Pitou healed him, so she has to know, why Komugi is there....


mega.nz i such a horrible back up site to view reactions since people have a limit before having to pay to stream or download.


yea I can't even watch the first full episode. @awakeproductions! maybe try using vimeo? You can set it up to make your videos private and then give your patreons a link to watch that video. The other guys I am subbed to do that and it works fine.


Komugi is in her late teens to early 20s. We don’t have an official age but we do have clues based on the timeline of her Gungi career


Komugi like 18 or 16 around there lol yall tripping. Yall acting like she 10 but shes been playing gungi over 10 years hahaha. I wouldn't really consider Meruem a grown man either to be honest.


41:27 the background noise blended perfectly with the anime.

Ok Great

Killua's intuition stays flawless