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rezero 2x22 patreon reaction.mp4

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Kevin Baker

Dropb is working great for me and an awesome episode to react to.


That’s awesome! Thanks for letting me know! ❤️

Matthew B

I think you just need a decent internet connection for dropbox. I'm on fiber, works fine for me. Hoping everyone else is good.

Lye Batenkaitos

To answer some of your questions: what frederica meant when she said "last time i was prepared to die", she meant last episode when she fought off elsa and told Petra to grab rem and run out of the mansion. She was prepared to die to allow petra to escape, but now that she reunited with garfiel, she doesn't want to die anymore, so she will fight against maylee without being too reckless so she can survive to ensure that they all meet a happy outcome. The biggest mystery is why echidna was crying at the end of the episode, even novel readers don't know! I assume that maybe echidna has lingering regrets from her past and present that she can't overcome so it could be jealousy, but now im curious, wtf did echidna go through in the past? I hope one day we find out. Maybe she was abused by her parents, maybe she had something going on with hector, who knows? Oh and how echidna died - she and the 5 other witches were all killed by Satella according to what beatrice told subaru in season 1. This means that Echidna must have survived hector. We don't know if hector is alive or dead. Pandora is probably alive though because she appears in emilia's flashback which is 300 years after the other witches died and satella was sealed.

Lye Batenkaitos

oh and also - about why echidna's eyes weren't shown in the flash back - i can explain after you finish the season. There is a major reason but i'll see if you can gather it yourself first by the end of the season!


You have to remember that "That Person" doesn't really exist. Beatrice has been waiting for 400 hundred years for someone to show up who doesn't exist. If Subaru said he was "That Person" he'd be lying to Beatrice.


According to what Echidna told Subaru technically "That Person" is whoever Beatrice chooses. However Beatrice spent 400 years not knowing or understanding that.


Beatrice has built up an idea of "That Person" in her mind that nobody could possibly live up to.


Like Echidna said, the first trial was the hardest for Emilia (partially because it hit out of nowhere after having the memories blocked the whole time). e.g. for Subaru the past trial worked on the first try, but his mind almost shattered in the second one until Camilla stepped in as Rem


yes, so far we have no clue why Echidna was like that, but the speculations are all over the place :D Somewhere I even read a theory that Echidna maybe is Emilia's mother who left her behind at some point (assuming half-elves are 50/50, since Fortuna (so her brother as well) is an elf, meaning that Emilia's ( who was called "the witch's daughter") mother would have to be a human witch, of whom Echidna looks the most similar to her


Fun fact from the novel that the anime left out: That was the very first time Emilia actually looked at her own reflection in a century. In fact, she trained herself to avoid reflections and mirror all the time to the point of having Puck take care of her looks. This is due to the fact she is compared to Satella in appearance ever since awoke. Which also kind of explains the hatred Echidna has for her; I mean, would you be happy guiding a person who looks like your murderer? Anyways, get ready for an emotional rollercoaster these next few episodes!


Something I found interesting about the trail between the 3 participants we've had is the perspective of each. Emilia's first trial has a lot more difficult for her to accept than the second. Whereas Subaru's second trial is more difficult than his first. Emilia is an observer in the first trial but an active participant in the second. This is swapped for Subaru. You see the same thing with Garfiel's trial where he is also an observer, and when he starts becoming comfortable with it he becomes a more active participant, talking with his (younger-form) sister. This supports the idea the trials are tailored to the individual. In the more difficult trial, each person may not be comfortable putting themselves in the situation presented or else would be impossible to put themselves into the situation. Likewise, it is easier for Subaru to put himself in a life he lived day-in-day-out and Emilia to put herself in a happy life with all her family still with her.