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When you think you're watching a shounen when it's really a K-drama


I realised, people really do hate Pitou for having the same motives and behavior as a cat. Get her that ball of wool to play with or she'll try and resurrect the last bird/mouse she hunted so she can hunt it again. Kite, Gon and Killua were basically some rodents she found in the garden.

Ok Great

At this current stage Killua is 14 but it's still pretty insane for a 14 year old to have that type of frame

Killua X

guys... we're almost there...


Ikalgo is my spirit animal

Matthew Martin

This arc is so brutal while still being beautiful.


Romance isn't important... Well...

Ok Great

bout to get the longest 30 minutes in human history


Loving the reactions! I just have a small piece of constructive criticism. While it is completely understandable that things come up in the episode that may force you too look away from the screen, to speak personally, I would much more engaged as an audience member if when you have to look away from the screen that you pause the story to do what you need to and then resume watching rather than rewinding afterward. Whilst you engage in other activities that require your attention on top of reacting, it sends a message to watchers (In this case just me, but it may or may not apply to others) that the episode/content isn’t as important as the aforementioned activity. As a result, there is added dissonance between my enjoying your [great] content and my perception of how important the immediate information from the episode is to you. Adding to this dissonance, at some points when you look away and rewind (not specifically in this episode or series) you may rewind to a line or two after you began to look away. Again, this is meant to be constructive and I hope I was able to form these thoughts in a benign manner without coming across as aggressive or ungrateful. Your content has helped me for a long time and I’d like nothing more than to see your channel grow in support. 🙂


Sorry I didn’t think I looked away for that long. I’m also very easily distracted, but I really do try my best to pay attention even with all of the constant OCD and anxiety ridden thoughts going on whilst recording. I’ll try to do better though.


Couple things. 1st. Pitou is a guy not a girl. 2nd. You aren't suppose to know the Kings name yet. So don't stress over it.


We're supposed to know the King's name since ep 92, when they said it, meaning included. Reactors usually reacts to a lot of shows at once so their focus is easily diverted and some time passes between episodes, since they're not rushing only one series at a time. Most of them just forget such particulars.


I love Ikalgo in that outfit, I have no idea where he for the clothes from but he’s adorable in them. With the way Killua was raised I’m not too surprised he’s in such good shape. The ants serve the king because they’re literally genetically programmed to. The kings same isn’t said too much, but it’s been said, so I wouldn’t count it as a spoiler. If you want me to remind you what it is let me know, just in case you wanna hold off. The way your face shifted when he asked her why she didn’t call for help after getting attacked by the bird was golden. I’d really hope you don’t actually want this to become a romance considering she’s a child and he’s basically an adult. The reason he believes power is the most important thing is because he was born with the ingrained belief that he is the strongest, and he is the best. Finally, please stop saying “I have to stop talking” because you think we don’t want to listen to you anymore. Of course, if you have things going on, that’s different, but please don’t think we don’t want to hear you talk about what you think or that we get annoyed when you talk for a long time. Great reaction as always.

Diego Zenhäusern

Seeing the King acting all like he doesn't care and believes power is the only thing that counts and him then jumping in to save Kogumi kinda tickled me. It's somehow funny, sad and intriguing to me to see the King not understand his own emotions xD Also: It's similarly sad and funny to me, that Pouf beats himself up for "jumping" to conclusions, when his conclusion to the kings speach was way more reasonable than what the king said xD


I love how whenever 'Legend of the Martial Artist' starts playing, you always hum along. It's one of my favorite soundtracks ever. Tararara ta-ra tara Tararara ta-ra tara Tararara ta-ra tara Repeat to infinity

Diego Zenhäusern

It really is great! Also: I'm watching HxH for the first time and I feel like generally all the reoccurring soundtracks get better the more I hear them😮🙈!