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That's right, that was the ultimate lesson from Truth. It was for humans to be humble of their own existence, and treasure the people they have around them.

Michael Tennick

Notice that the Dwarf In The Flask's portal of Truth is a blank slate while Ed and Al's have ornate designs on them. This represents the knowledge they truly have. The Dwarf talks about obtaining the world's knowledge and experiencing it but all he ultimately did was sit in his throne underground while Ed and Al were actually living their lives.


Can we get the Final tonight too? XD


So, base from what i am seeing. Meeting truth doesnt require a toll right? Since only what you want from truth need a toll eg. Bringing someone back or in this case bring al back. We also seen that you could use your alchemy to bring that has been lost to other people. Eg. Bringing back al. So if Al decide to meet truth and decide to transfer his gate of truth to ed. It would be just that. A gate for a gate and nothing else would be taken. I imagine that every month they swap gate and truth gonna be so annoyed meeting them every so oftem and probably change the rule or something to prevent this loophole haha

Youmu Senju

Is there any way to put these somewhere other than megadrive, so that I can binge your reactions? Megadrive has that dumb data transfer limit, so then I have to wait 6 hours before I can finish, because it's only enough for 1 and a half episodes. :(


Google drive dont have that transfer limit. Did it gives you issue too?


The Truth is pretty consistent in its ideology. "If you get too arrogant and try to play God you will be punished accordingly." Izumi tried to revive her child so her reproductive organs were taken. Al wanted to feel the warmth of her mother again so his body was taken so that he wouldn't feel any warmth at all. Homonculus wanted to be free and he was imprisoned in nothingness forever. The only inconsistency here is Mustang who actually didn't perform the transmutation. Also I like how Greed died in satisfaction and said that he had everything he could want. It's a nice touch. Just like how Sloth died because he overexerted himself and his Stone ran out, Pride being defeated because when in danger he chose to abandon his pride as a Homonculus. That's good writing.