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No warning🥶


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

Killua X

Just in time... I thought I was going to die


Cool time travel powers you got.

Killua X

AP, don't spoil yourself please! I love how interested you are in Komugi and the King. I wish you didn't have to watch these so far apart :( . I binged this arc in like 3 days. It hits differently when you still have all the emotions and momentum from the previous eps. Anyway, I know you take notes and stuff and you seem to be enjoying it so far. Can't wait for more! BTW, her runny nose bothered me at first, but you get used to it lol.

Killua X

Also, how genius is it that Togashi makes Komugi blind, so that she can't even tell that Meruem is a "monster". She naturally thinks he's just a human like her so she can't even be scared or affected by his appearance like all the other game players.


Yeah I was thinking about it while watching. But then I thought to myself, “would she even care?” She seems like the type of person to judge someone based on who they are, how they treat others, why they do the things they do, etc. I don’t think looks would bother her because she’s never seen a person so she really has no one to compare him to or any sense of “normal” or “monster”


No need to feel bad about thinking they were gonna revive the other game champion. Ive seen quite a few reactors who thought the same


Question: why would Cheetu set the condition that once he's caught he can't use that power again? Remember that with nen, adding conditions/restrictions enable the use of more powerful abilities. It's a more tame version of Kurapika's "if I use this ability of someone who isn't a spider, I'll die on the spot".


If anyone spoils I'm gonna go apeshit O v O


To clarify, the little girl (Komugi) does not have Nen. When Meruem talks about her "true ability", he's talking about in the game. Regarding what you said about walking away, I think you need to treat yourself better. I'm not sure if you were being serious, but if you're sitting in front of your camera for 6 hours, you should take the time necessary to recover. Also, we heard Morel say the hunters can no longer contact Netero because he's preparing for his fight with the king.


I have OCD myself, like it gets real bad. But y'know what helps? High doses of CBD products. This works for me because my OCD is rooted in anxiety, and CBD just shuts that all down with 0 side effects. I rec you try it if you haven't already. For some people it doesn't really do anything, but a lot of people like me swear by it.


Also pay attention to the Gungi moves. There's real implications behind them. Like when Meruem mentioned "The Spy has done nothing this entire match, but suddenly, it controls the board!" What that means I'll leave for you to figure out as you keep watching. Here's a hint to keep in mind going forward, the "Spy" piece signifies the girl. The "Marshall" piece represents Meruem.

Diego Zenhäusern

I 1000% thought the same watching the episode and was like: "Oh, I guess Pitou has perfected her power xD"

Diego Zenhäusern

Ok, let's be honest here, I wouldn't have had Morel's chill in that situation and Cheetu would have totally gotten me worried about what would happen when the time was up etc. But that's probably just why I wouldn't be a good hunter xD P.S. Morel telling Cheetu that he lost because he is an idiot was just great xD

Diego Zenhäusern

I have to say: Meruem realizing that he'd basically lost against Komugi before the game really started gave me some real No Game No Life vibes xD ....which were only intensified by Morel completely outplaying Cheetu with mindgames!


I paused it at 2:38 and realized the king was staring at your ass. 🤣