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This is "HXH 101-102 PATREON REACTION.mp4" by AwakeProductions! on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Oh she plays a very vital role in the chimera arc!




Yay the king is here😃


Dart training? Interesting, maybe his brother influenced it?


Yay you can watch the outro now. You've meet the important characters in the outro. It's a good one.


Really happy to see you’ve recovered from your blood vessel popping, you seem much better. Ikalgos ability is explained a bit more later on in the season, but you know what you need to right now. Loved the plot armor line. As for an explanation as to how they were speaking, we learned earlier that they could survive up to 10 minutes after the head was removed from the body. There are quite a few episodes I expect are gonna make you cry coming up, so if you want me to let you know what those are I can just to make sure you have tissues when you need them. Dart training could’ve been for accuracy, just my guess. The Kings intellect definitely comes in part from the evolution, but also remember what he said, everyone has a pattern when playing games, he’s just good at understanding those patterns. Great reaction as always, love how much you’re enjoying this arc.


The best girl showed up.

Killua X

Omg the feels from these two episodes. Re-watching this show is so satisfying. AP, you're analyzing too much. You're like picking up on everything. There's so little we can say at this point that's not spoiler. The build-up for these next 20 episodes is so crazy. Can we just do a watch party?? 😭 Btw I love that Ban shirt, makes me miss 7DS.


Every time this gets better,great reaction as always!!!

Jessica Sutherland

Ok first off.. I LOVE YOUR SHIRT!!! Ban & Elaine are so precious omg. OTP material to be completely freaking honest. To answer your question about how the Ortho siblings lived without their heads attached when Killua severed them off; chimera ants are able to live without their heads attached to their bodies for about a day (I believe this was mentioned when we were very first introduced to Kite). That's why Kite later said to them that "You must crush the head to kill them." Hence, why Rammot (the rabbit chimera ant) lived for a bit too after being decapitated but then died after Killua crushed his head. Also, yes this was the episode I at least knew you'd cry at/tear up lmao but no more warnings! We all want you to go in completely blind without saying when you're going to cry. So bring the tissues from this point on because YOU'RE GOING TO NEEEEEEEEEED THEM!!! As someone thats seen this entire show about 5+ times I STILL, TO THIS DAY, cry at some episodes despite knowing whats going to happen. The only downfall to Perfect Plan is that Meleoron (the chameleon) must hold his breath for the entirety of the attack and once he releases a breath he is then visible to everyone. He's a smoker so he's not able to hold his breath as long as someone who isn't one would be able to, too. & The fact that he can still be hit if someone were to launch attacks in different directions. (Not sure if you wanted to write that down or not lol just keep this info in mind for future reference). & Omg?!? How deep does your empathy go?!?!?! YOUR EMPATHY LEVELS ARE OVER 9000!!!! LOL. Was definitely not expecting tears for the nameless character being forced to play Go or w/e the game was. You're gonna be a freaking WRECK during this arc. I can't waitttttttt for your future reactions to certain episodes. Its going to be a RIDE and I'm all strapped in lmao. & INCOMINGGGGGGGGGG BEST GIRL IN THE ENTIRE SERIES (imo) FINALLY SHOWS UP!!!

Samir Larras

You have to remember Knuckle's ability. If he can get a hit in and get out all he needs to do is figure out a way to stay nearby and whoever he hit won't be able to use nen anymore. Perfect Plan is, well, perfect for that.


Just want to say because this gets missed by a lot of people watching first time, the King lost several times in each game before finally winning. The last player, he lost to 9 times before getting the feel of the game and beating him. Lots of reactions go "oooh what happens if he loses? he's gonna go on a rampage!" having missed the lines stating his several losses already, and mistakenly having got the idea he's childish - probably because his sense of entitlement is something kids have a lot of the time.


Dear commenters, (don't read AP) I really wish you wouldn't hype up characters and say things like "she's going to be super significant!" like that really spoils a first timer's sense of wonder and discovery. Please don't. It's worse than when you say "oh man *that* episode is next, you're not ready!" completely giving away twists and turns before they even get to them. Have some self control.

Knocking Master Jiro

I stopped trying to explain this. They cannot help themselves. Happens every time... and if the reaction is not what they think it would be after they will be upset.


It's totally safe to watch the outro now (the spoiler was that gungi girl). Watch it after 103 ep pls. It will be very interesting yo hear your opinion about the outro.


I'm pretty sure Killua's dart training was just throwing regular darts at a regular dartboard. It seems like a somewhat applicable form of accuracy/dexterity at the very least.

Killua X

I still think the outro affects one's perspective about the rest of the arc but many other ppl already commented on it so I guess it doesn't matter at this point.

Diego Zenhäusern

I Have to say, that Killua using his ability to heighten his reflexes was really ingenious and cool!

Dillon Hansel

Unfortunately, Gungi is not a real game. I desperately wish it was, but it was created by the author just for this series. This little blind girl, as you've already guessed due to the show making it blatantly obvious, is rather important. I'll leave it up to you to discover how important she is and why as it's an extremely interesting experience the first time around. Also, my boy Killua coming an inch away from death hurt me plenty when I first saw it. He may have plot armor, but sweet fuck did they stretch it thin for that one.

Youmu Senju

They actually left us on a cliffhanger in the manga. We had to wait to find out what happened to Killua, if I recall correctly.