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I'd like to see the picture of the popped blood vessels. It's probably nothing too special but I'm curious now

Jessica Sutherland

Omg stoooooooppppp you getting emotional makes me emotional lmaooo. Have you seen a neurologist about your headaches yet??? I suffer from migraines and seeing one helped. They prescribed me Maxalt and it immediately takes away the effects of a migraine (for me anyways). Maybe it could help you too or something different?? Unless you're like my sister and don't really like/want to take medications or become reliant on them.. Then I'd just say to sleep it off lol that's what I used to do. Wish I could help you out in some way/take the pain away. Headaches aren't fun by any means. Especially when you get aura's/see stars.. I hate that shit. Big hugs to you <3


Such a good episode. I'm glad they are alive. I don't think I could stand every episode ending tragically like episode 1. Also, I don't know what made you cry so much before so the only thing I can offer is a big virtual hug. 🤗 Take care of yourself. 💖


This episode made me mad. It seems like they didn't think there was a "god" to sacrifice to at all and they were just doing it due to tradition. I feel like that's realistic, and I'm sure that's a real thing that's happened in the past, but that just makes it worse. I hope they don't stay with those people long, cause I don't like them.


I got so triggered when those people said wait he's real


I have a suspicion that the sacrifices to the bear have been going on for generations and that the reason some people don't think the bear "god" is real is because it goes years without showing up. My theory is that the bear hibernates for years, maybe even decades and so there are long periods of time where no-one sees it.

Killua X

I haven't watched the reaction yet but the intro to this ep kind of supports my theory that the "orb dude" isn't God and that he's just some otherworldly being like an alien. He says something about how interesting human beings are so far. In traditional Christianity, God created humans in his image, so he wouldn't be so clueless about them.

Killua X

I used to get migraines too. I was prescribed some stuff but it would knock me out every time. AP, if you have a recent string of headaches it could be a "cluster headache" and a doctor can prescribe some magic medicine for you (forgot what it was called), but it's basically a steroid that literally resets your pain threshold and stops headaches like no other. It's only like a few pills that immediately stops the lingering headache. It can come back of course if there are some underlying issues, but bruh... it's the best shit I've ever taken lol.