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Well, leased, but I’m hoping to end up financing after the three years are up!

I’m planning on recording and posting Rezero 2x15 later today so look out for that!

See you all soon! 😘❤️




Bish, you got good taste. Congratulations. I dunno how it it in the States but where I'm from it's a major life step to buy a car.


Grats. Car looks really cool. Awesome color as well


Congrats, that's a good color on that car


Love the car but i hate the color


Congrats on the new car 🥳🎉🎊 very nice


Congrats on the new car!


Congrats, i have the same one actually but white :)

Oda Nobunaga

Omggg congratulations~! It’s so biggg lol, now please take me on a tour cause I’m dying here 😭


It was a huge step for me. I had a ton of anxiety before purchasing. I’ve actually wanted to get a new car for years, but I always made up excuses and chickened out because I didn’t feel ready for the responsibility and risk that comes with it. Now I’m super paranoid wherever I go. I’m always terrified of crashing it, denting it by backing into something or someone keying it or dinging it while I’m in a store. I have OCD too so if I see even one little scratch inside or outside it’s going to eat away at me for a long time. So I just said I’m better off without one for the longest time. But, as some of you know, my previous vehicle was very old and something on it was always breaking. It was terrible in the snow as well. I went into a ditch twice and did a 360 degree spin the middle of an intersection once. It was terrifying driving that car. What I have to keep reminding myself of is that I am light years safer now. That is the important thing. Even if it’s scratched or dented, overall, safety and security is what matters. 😁


Congrats! That’s slick af 🔥

Lich King

Congrats, my best friend has it, it's a great car


Congratulations I’m so happy for you



Seth Gifford

That’s awesome!!! I’m happy for you.

Dontrell Durant

Sooooo..... you gonna drive to Texas and buy me some tea now? It’s my birthday


Congrats to the new car, looks nice; pretty, but not too flashy :) Just hope it also has a good feel to it when you drive, already sat in some cars that just felt....weird...to drive ^^'


congratulations, beautiful machine ... !!!

Killua X

Nice color, it's unique. Honda lookin more and more like Acura these days.


I see you girl, you big ballin 🤑