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I know I said I was going to try to do HXH tonight, but we had a long day with the family and I only got abour 2-3 hours of sleep again last night. I’ve heard some of you ask for me to do HXH episodes 92-94 next time I record. If I take tonight off, I’ll record all three together tomorrow! I don’t have to do as much or get up as early tomorrow so it shouldn’t be a problem. Is that okay with you guys?


Dontrell Durant

It’s fine with me. Hell, I haven’t watched hxh yet anyway.


Sounds good! Go get some rest 😁


Dude it’s Easter enjoy your holiday. See ya soon


I’m fine with it and everyone needs to rest once in a while


Hey, it’s totally okay. You have to be in a good headspace or at least well-rested in order for us to enjoy these episodes together. Take care 🤗


I'll forgive you if you say I have the best pfp you've ever seen rn😤

Knocking Master Jiro

The people who would try to force you to record tonight would be cruel.


Go to sleep!

Norrin Radd

You never need to compromise with us! We got your back!

Killua X

Only if you promise to try to get some more sleep!


TAKE THE NIGHT OFF. NO NEED TO COMPROMISE. I hope you had a good Easter, now get some rest.


*acknowledging comment asking you to take care of yourself* 😊


Sounds like a plan boss 👍🏾 Be well.

Christopher Rivera

Not sure if 92-94 is best but triple or not I’m cool with you taking the night off.


Sleep, you need to sleep. It wouldn't do to have an Awake Production fall asleep during a reaction 😅


don't sweat it, it's not like we are sitting here all day hammering the refresh-button until we see an upload :D ....right guys? ^^'

William Long

Record whenever you feel like you are up to it, we may be very eager for the next episodes but we don't want you hurting yourself to get them out to us. Take your time.




No we don't need to compromise (Although i would love the extra episode). If you want to delay an episode, feel free to do it. Please don't feel any pressure or obligation to do some extra work :)


If it is within your means it would be great for us, however if you cannot upload all three chapters there would be no problem either. :)


92-94 would be nice

Christopher Rivera

Personally I would rather uploads continue with even to odd number episodes (92-93, 94-95, etc.) for a while. Then odd to even in the early hundreds after a triple (104-106, then 107-108, 109-110)... better “narrative flow” tbh. And if you’re just catching up on sleep then might be best not to push out 3 episodes just yet?! Putting it up to a vote is cool, too.

Killua X

I just refresh my gmail until I see the notification 🤷🏻‍♂️.


I can't today because this, I couldn't yesterday because that.. and then you are surprised that your channel is not growing. I know this is going to be the unpopular opinion, but its a bunch of yes-men in the comments. From what I have gathered, you are trying to make this full time right? Where is some responsibility then? You have a whole bunch of people paying your bills just to see more of you watching anime, yet you have a really bad release schedule and these.. breaks.. seem quite frequent. My point is, it seems a bit like you don't even want to do this.

Christopher Rivera

I think her release schedule is very good. I’m not a yes man, I’m quite open when I disagree with something. But she’s released a lot of episodes, not always the exact same time slot but always within the day or day after, with extra uploads to make up for it, and her output weekly is very good. Better that she upload when she’ll actually enjoy the episodes than fixating on a specific time slot. A little patience on your end is not too much to ask for. It’s an anime reaction, not some life supporting medicine, so relax and grow some patience (or don’t).


I think is valid criticism, I few the same way, specially because HxH is the reason I’m a sub, and she seems to do this more often with it.


Christopher, I don't know how to reply to someone directly here, so this is addressed to you. I was being generous, calling her schedule bad. In fact, its horrible. She goes 5 days between episodes of FMA:B. 5-DAYS! What a slug fest.. There are uploads in between, sure, but also not tok regular and keep it mind, many people are interested in one show in particular. I am not talking about time slots, I am talking about frequency. A day in between episodes is not ideal either, but its the tried and trusted frequency that works. She isn't watching all that much at once anyway, so it can't be blamed on being super busy either. If she is not feeling HxH today, that's fine. The upload should still come, it is a good habit to pre-record stuff. The way she is doing it has no semblance of order, everything seems to come out when she feels like its time. Patience is quite literally money in this case. Don't get me wrong, I don't really care about the 5 euro or however much it was, what I dislike is the principle. It is a big difference to get 5 episodes out of your monthly pledge and to get 25. If this wasn't a patreon, so be it. She can just do it whenever she wants to, sure you earn money by ad-sense but you are not being directly paid by your viewers. Here on patreon though, subscription costs money, money that is supposed to be exchanged for her service. P.s. next time your waiter spits in your soup, don't get mad about it. Its a soup, not some life supporting medicine. Just chill and grow some tolerance (or don't).


@christopher Its not that far off, but the point of that analogy, as it seems to have flown right by you, was to show how stupid your argument was. @Cqoki Right, teach me some life lessons then, coach. I never got that technical, but if you want to be that technical, no. She is not an employee. Its closer to a freelancer if anything, and those do not get sick days and vacation. Sure enough, its not comparable with regular work in this regard at all. When I get sick, I call-in, because there is not a possibility that I could do my job. Reaction s? Come on. You really should have something prerecorded, if not for situations like these. And once again you are making something out of nothing. When did I ever in any capacity say that her world should revolve around her patreon? Having a job and doing it properly doesn't mean you give it your life. Especially here, lets be honest, reactions are lazy content. You record yourself watching a 20 minute episode, add some commentary and do 15 minutes of editing. I just don't understand why you would feel like anything unreasonable has been asked of her in this thread. My whole point is "upload more and pre-record stuff for situations like these". Again, I am not saying she should record if she doesn't feel like it, but she should upload. I am sounding like a broken radio but PRE-RECORDING. And I have provided nothing but constructive criticism. I don't understand why you would take my message as complaints or shots. I am the only one in this thread who offer anything constructive at all. You going " YASSSS queen don't worry about it, hopefully next time!" Helps nobody. Not you, and definitly not her. P.s. you have again raised a very.. moot analogy. That would be just leaving. In fact, I am doing the healthy thing. Confronting the problem head-on, trying to solve it before parting ways ;) @Killua X i am not going to reply to your message, it brings nothing new to the discussion and honestly it feels like you didn't even read the thread prior. Btw, pull your balls out of your purse, you can't cry over any random criticism and call it "nEgAtIvItY"