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I’ve been up for over 24 hours due to the whole car buying process being a hassle. I took about a 2 hour nap , but I now have to go out to see the Kong movie. I completely forgot I bought tickets for 6 pm and I don’t want to waste them so I’ll record when I get back home. I would say you can expect it about 10 pm CST. I’m so sorry guys. I’ll try making it up to you tomorrow by recording + posting HXH episodes 92-93!



Enjoy your weekend

Killua X

Just get some sleep. Hope you enjoy the movie.


Don’t sweat it! Enjoy the movie!


Just enjoy the movie, and if you need it, sleep when you get home. Most of us should be able to wait a little longer. It's more important that you watch out for your own health and get some sleep


Why don’t you enjoy the movie and get some sleep? There’s no way you’re not tired, do yourself a favor and hold the MHA reaction till tomorrow

Norrin Radd

I literally invited over a bunch of friends to watch your reaction and now I’m going to have to tell them all to go home! Worst day ever!


Hahaha how much of a jerk you have to be for trying to make a person feel bad just after she was saying that she is feeling depressed, stress, anxious and now without sleeping 😅 you are a subscriber of her channel and that means that you get access to the material that she upload at her times and at her schedules and also understanding that people have emergencies or stressful stuff to do in normal life so give her a break ! Also is fcking Easter xd I don't really care about it but there's some families who love that so enjoy your life too but don't feel entitled of another person's time even if you are paying ! ( Not trying to be mean just a common bro!)


Idk if you edit your own videos, but even if you don't, just the sheer amount you're recording is already preposterous. Now if you DO edit your videos, then I can only imagine what limited amount of time you have for anything else. You don't owe us an explanation.


Saw this movie today. They made a serious mistake letting Wingard direct this. I think they should have either brought back Gareth Edwards, or tried to get Del Toro (for his work on Pacific Rim). For a monster flick that was hyped around them chuckin knucles and claws, the fighting was the weak. What did anyone else think? Edit: To put Wingard's work into perspective, the last thing he directed was the Netflix live action Death Note, enough said.


try to rest for your sake, health comes first. on the other hand, do you think you can upload chapters 92-93-94 together? :)