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hxh 90-91 patreon reaction.mp4

This is "hxh 90-91 patreon reaction.mp4" by AwakeProductions! on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Oda Nobunaga

At last~! Thank you!




Knuckles ability in the best way I can think to explain it: Knuckle hits Gon and gives him Nen, Knuckles wants it back, with interest. If Gon doesn’t give it all back by a certain point, he can’t use Nen for 30 days. Anyone is free to reply with anything important I missed


Knuckles ability basically is like taking a loan from a bank. All the numbers are mostly irrelevant, accept that your maximum Aura output. Basically, every 10 seconds your interest increases 10%, and once you reach a point you can no longer repay the interest with your maximum aura output, you go bankrupt (or bust) and can't you nen for 30 days. You repay aura by attacking with aura, and he can do the same. No one takes damage until the balance is replayed or you bust. It's not as broken as it seems because if he got hit by a powerful attack, say Uvo's Big Bang Impact, it would repay the loan and then all access nen would damage knuckle. Hope this helped, enjoyed your reaction as always :)


I was also surprised to see that gon lose the battle...

Killua X

Listen, this is my third time watching these episodes and I still don't understand Knuckle's APR ability. Tbh, I was looking forward to this upload so other people in the comments would explain it. I think you're right in that Bisky was just trying to find the best way she could think of to get Killua to break through his weakness. She knows how much he loves Gon and how it would impact him by saying "(if you stay this way) one day you'll leave Gon behind to die." That scene with Gon with his head in his lap and Killua just looking at him saying he'll protect him, but then he has to leave--gets me every time. It tickled me when you said the king looked like an android. Incidentally, the king's design is often compared to Cell (from Dragonball Z)--who is an android. (Wrote this before I finished your review. Funny that you picked up on the resemblance even tho you haven't watched DBZ lol). Btw, I hope you feel better... I've been pretty down lately as well, but your reactions always pick me up a little :).


i like how knuckle defeated you and gon when he explained his technique


I looked up Cell and I totally agree! He looks a lot like him. I understand how you feel. I’ve just been reflecting a lot these past few days. I don’t have any friends, I feel like I’m not successful enough in my career, I am worried that this won’t last forever and that I’ll have to look for another job someday, I want to be in a loving, healthy relationship and I feel like that won’t ever happen, and overall I just don’t really know who I am. I don’t know what my style is or how to be funny or entertaining when I’m not watching something. If I have to make idle chit chat with a person, I just can’t. My mind goes blank. I come up with nothing and then I’m just grasping at straws so it’s not just awkward conversation. I feel lost, alone and trapped in darkness almost all day. It makes getting up out of bed difficult. Most of the time I wish I could just sleep through life, but then I think to myself that I want to fight to be happy in my life. I just don’t know how to achieve it.


Finally, my favourite character (Other than Kurapika) is born at last


Knuckle's Hakoware imo is the most underrated ability in HxH. Bisky's ability as well.

Christopher Rivera

If Gon owes more than he has then he’s bankrupt, thus forced into Zetsu for 30 days (=30 days without nen, ten, everything).


I think its amazing that pick up the parallels from Killua needing light and now Gon needing light.


Who thinks to make amortization central to their nen ability? So good.


APR is really simple to understand. Basically you have to give back more than what you owe to inflict damage. If you can't give it back for a certain amount of time (depending on your aura capacity, so the stronger the enemy the longer it takes) the interest will expoNENtially rise, and you'll be suppressed in a state of Zetsu. Even if you're confused now, don't worry too much, once its utilized in an actual fight later on you'll get the gist of it.


Knuckles ability explanation is a bit obnoxious (and exposition dumpy) but the specific numbers are meaningless really. All that really matters is: If Knuckle's oponent cant deal significantly more damage to him than he would be able to deal to them, he will inevitably seal their nen for an entire month, more than enough time to finish them off.


To answer the very important question at the start - to make an H with your hands, you hold your hands apart, like you're going to start clapping. Then you bring down an index fix, to act as the middle line.

Samir Larras

To add to what other people have already said about Knuckle's ability. He could have used it against Gon during any of their early fights and it would have just been over from there. Another example of how nice Knuckle is.


Knuckles APR dumb down version. Gon max is 21500. When the number reach 21500 Gon lose his nen Gon hit lower the number (-150) Knuckle hit increase the number (+180) Number increase by 10% each 10 second automatically. It's a race to lower the number to zero (APR Beaten) or increase the number to 21500 (Knuckles win). Knuckles only has regular punch and interest to add. Gon can have power move Jajaken -1800 so it's possible to win if he can hit early enough but when the interest get bigger he's done. Also different number for different people.

Christopher Rivera

^ this And it’s an ability that does not hurt the target, it even feels good due to the loaned nen (=burst of energy).


Finally got around to finishing the reaction. I agree with your thoughts on what Bisky said to Killua. I feel it was really harsh from her. Maybe she thought it was a push that he needed, but that only works for some personality types. It would certainly just make me feel more depressed, if I was in that position.


At the start of the fight Gon used En, expanding his aura in a bubble around himself so that he could sense where Knuckle's attack would come from even without looking - not the thing they were talking about last episode which is that they were just observing each other's aura i.e. noticing that they had concentrated their aura in a fist and therefore knowing that they were going to throw a punch.


Ironically, showing off your notes at the start made you miss a line of dialogue. It's always the case. Gon was noticing that he felt a rush of power after being punched by Knuckle. Basically, if the loaned nen exceeds a certain number, the 10% interest you have to pay every 10 seconds will get too big for you to be able to repay. Say you can only return 200 points of damage in 10 seconds, but the interest is 250, then it's basically already over. If you return 200 damage but take 150, and your interest is over 50, even though you did *more* you're still losing the fight. It's an ability that is very powerful against those of equal or weaker strength than yourself, but kind of falls apart when used on someone who is stronger than you. p.s. did you notice the acronym for Knuckle's Individual Ren Suppressor (when you go bust and it stop you from using nen for 30 days) is IRS? lol

Christopher Rivera

At the very least we can say he has finally started to think about his cautiousness as a weakness. Just as he never thought Gon’s Jajanken’s weakness could be turned into a strength through mindgames he never thought his cautiousness could be a liability to his friend. No style works on everyone but looking past tone and focusing on the content of a message also requires maturity and is a lesson in itself.


The thing about calling the King entitled is that he is, genetically, biologically entitled. He is biologically a king, created to view the world and everyone in it as if it belongs to him. 🤠 (couldn't find an emoji with a crown)


Good explanation, but one last thing: APR doesn't need to reach the opponent's max, as that opponent will continuously be using nen during the fight. So, in Gon's case, he lost after it got over 10k

Christopher Rivera

It's actually been 857 days since the last Hunter X Hunter chapter, looks like we'll have to wait a while longer... SIKE!!!!! The series has been confirmed to finally return on this day: https://youtu.be/LzGYe-b9EXs


I can see why u called the king's style boring, at first he reminded me of another freezer/cell. But lets go the king is here😃 hes the best


This fell flat because I only expected an announcement to mean 1 chapter for the year, and for the blue-balls of it to be worse than no chapter at all, so in a way I'm relieved. Better luck next year 😉


I've tried like 5 times to leave a comment and it keeps just disappearing. Maybe it's too long. Here's the last line of it, maybe this will stay up: Killua staying with Gon is the equivalent of him telling Gon to close his eyes and fall backwards but being unsure if he'll be able/there to catch him - and in the life-or-death situations they know will inevitably come. Bisky wasn't being dumb and she wasn't being emotional, it was the cold hard facts of the situation that Killua saw the truth in. If even this short comment gets deleted I give up (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Yeah yeah I know but I feel that just because you were born with a title, it doesn’t mean you deserve it or earned it. That’s pretty much what I’m getting at. This guy is a terrible person and leader.


You call it an "exposition dump" meanwhile there's millions of people watching it scratching their heads wondering how it works. So it's very important. Togashi explained it in a comprehensive and simple to understand manner. Also the numerical value of aura is not "meaningless." It's an important facet to Nen. There's a reason why power scaling in this series is more precise. Because it has an actual mechanism where you can use math to quantify the characters' aura capacity and input / output. Whereas in other shows with superpowers, you're just vaguely guessing. To call that meaningless is just beyond me.


in other words, the blows thrown at knuckle have to be higher than those delivered by knuckle

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah HxH got me again ther! I was like: "Well, they have to win, so Gon'll just pull something out of his ass xD" You'd think I'd give the show a little more credit after having watched it for so long...but I guess that just goes to show, how damaged I am from every other anime xD