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Hey guys. My family and I are going out this weekend to see it in the theater! Do you guys plan on seeing this film? If so, are you planning on staying in to watch it on HBO Max or are you going out to the theater?



I'm going to watch it, but I have no real expectations about it. I go back and forth on these things. I liked the first in this series, and I liked Shin Godzilla, the last Japanese one, but I got bored in the King of the Monsters. I was so confused, because I think I've pretty much liked everything Vera Farmiga was in that I've seen, but I didn't like her character in that movie. Also, I'm gonna watch it on HBO Max, probably, because my friends and family will have no interest in seeing it.

Killua X

HBO Max so I can get the most out of my recent subscription renewal (Justice League + Godzilla).


gonna do max with the wife and dogs this weekend


yeah max'n it


Woah, you guys can go to the theaters ?!


Definitely will see it. Love a good monster mash. Hopefully the theater for the full experience.


Nope not this Week, im in Germany and will wait for the UHD BluRay xD


I'm so hyped for this movie lmao


Theaters are closed here :(

Jacob Ward

Absolutely love Godzilla. Going to see it in theaters with a group of friends


HBO Max . I've been on a binge watch through that app so many good classics on there I've watched Teen titans like 5 times

Michael Royal

going to go to the theaters i think? havent been in forever due to covid but mine just reopened soo yeah


Funfact: A Godzilla anime also released this week :D It is called: Godzilla Singular Point No clue if it's worth to watch.


not going to go watch it in cinema or anything...maybe throw it in sometime later down the later in a group watching session with some friends between trash-movies & other stuff^^


I’m extremely excited for it, I’m gonna be watching in HBO Max

Daniel Östlund

Already? I thought it would come in august 😅