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HXH 86-87.mp4



just before bed. nice


Sorry it’s later than expected. Took a long time to export and upload 😣


Knuckle may be a jojo reference, but he's one of the greatest characters in HxH! XD fun fact, his Japanese seiyuu also voices okuyasu.


Morel: big pipe guy., Knov: glasses guy, netero: chairman

Dillon Hansel

Butterfly is Pouf, short for Shaiapouf. Cat girl is Pitou, shirt for Neferpitou. Third gaurd comes later, his full name is the fuckuest so the abbreviation is most needed for him.

Christopher Rivera

Nice to see you enjoy Palm, a lot of reactions initially dislike her.


He’s more of a yu yu hakusho reference, if you watched that anime you’ll be able to see who he is kinda based off of

Christopher Rivera

Pouf reading minds is a mistranslation. He can interpret your thoughts from what you’re feeling. The kanji for “mind” can also mean “spirit,” “heart,” and “feelings.” Just consider it a holistic term. But while reading emotions allows him to deduce thoughts it’s more difficult to interpret complex emotions to determine another’s thoughts. I pronounce Pouf’s full name as “Shy-uh-Poof” but everyone calls him Pouf anyway.

Christopher Rivera

Knuckle’s so kind, his trash talking was likely just meant to motivate them.

Killua X

Pitou, Pouf, Youpi are the nicknames. I'm really glad that you like Palm's character. She's very interesting but I feel like she's kind of love or hate and your reaction to her introduction was great. Idk if I ever considered her "cute" lol but def like her charisma. Celebrity crush is either Natalie Portman and/or Mila Kunis (first that came to mind). Great to see you deliberate the underlying tones of morality in this arc. When you were struggling for five minutes deciding if what PItou is doing to Kite is wrong, I pictured you as a newborn Chimera Ant.

Samir Larras

I don't know about Jojo reference, but Knuckle is very much based on the stereotypical, Japanese delinquent. Attitude, look, even his posture when he walks.

Christopher Rivera

Even Palm is a JoJo reference. Part 4 had Yukako Yamagishi (girl with a stand that manipulates her long hair) who obsessed over Koichi who himself was very young looking and dressed in green (his stand was mostly green and white and had green aura). Not all delinquents are based on JoJo's, that's just a cultural trend but JoJo's definitely helped popularize it within manga and Togashi has read at least up to part 5 of JoJo's.


Bro you upload plenty.


Thank you. I need to hear this pretty often because I always get in my own head or I read comments like that and it just gives me a lot of anxiety.


Your intro got me thinking again. It's honestly amazing how no reactor until you (that I've seen) has ever even mentioned the fact that Kite *was* coming to kill them, and especially their Queen. It's true that Pitou (people shorten it because NEFERpitou is a bit of a mouthful to keep saying over and over) seems to lack a conscience, but they still don't even factor it in that Kite, Gon and Killua are, to them, an invading, exterminating force. From the ants perspective, they (Kite and co) are the malicious ones and they (the ants) are the ones just hunting game and building a nest i.e. trying to survive. The fact that so many ants are sadistic is actually sort of incidental to that. Now you won't find me saying that Kite, or humanity in general, shouldn't by trying to exterminate them. We've seen that chimera ants are equivalent to an uncontrollable virus, as Kite puts it, an unprecedented biohazard, but it's surprising that so many reactors decide that Pituo is the devil, and take pleasure in imagining her being killed, without ever thinking deeper about it.


The thing to keep in mind with Morel and Knov is that when they shrug off Killua's warnings, they do so with the knowledge that someone can win a fight with someone many, many times more powerful them if they have the right abilities and under the right conditions e.g. Killua vs. Uvogin. Uvogin was a master enhancer, but because of Killua's determination, his bluff (keeping his chains always conjured so as to seem like a manipulator, and make anyone fighting him not consider that they might have to use Gyo), his abilities, and the condition he set on them, he was able to beat him. When they shrug off his concerns, that's why.


Your reaction to Knuckle was fuckin priceless, hahahaha

Christopher Rivera

It’s interesting how the pedo content in this series is rarely an issue for most people but when it is it’s only Hisoka who gets brought up whilst no one ever complains about Palm. I personally have no problem with either character, it’s comical, isn’t explicit, and especially considering what I know of her character arc but if I did it would probably be Palm as she’s not even a quasi-pedo like Hisoka but has actual romantic interest (a 22yo wanting a 13yo). She does seem like someone in need of a therapist, at the very least. (Just some thoughts from a recent twitter conversation)

Diego Zenhäusern

Yaeh, they mentioned it in this episode and I was just: "C'mon, you're not actually expecting anyone to use that name! You're just begging us to make up an abbreviation😅"

Diego Zenhäusern

I think, you might mean Kurapika there xD But otherwise, that are some good thoughts! Though I still agree with AP that they are a bit to lax about it for my liking...but hey, let's see what happens and hope for the best🙃

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, as long as they don't try anything I have no problems with that xD I mean with Hisoka it's just hillaroius and with her it's actually kinda endearing to me🙈 So I'd say: Give em 5 to 10 years and it will be perfectly fine 😜

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I would never have thought of her as cute, but after you mentioned it I could kinda see it...so now I feel kinda bad for being so prejudiced🙈😅 I don't think I'd call it an actual crush but Emma Watson is kinda cute🤔 (Machi could step on me whenever she wants though ^^) And I think her point about them having the intellect to be responsible for their actions but still not necessarily needing to have the same values as us (especially without to much of life experience) was really good! I think that's how I'll look at it...at least for the time being :)

Diego Zenhäusern

Can I just mention that I really like Bisky's new hair stile, it looks gorgeous <3!

Christopher Rivera

Wondering if Melody or Pitou have better hearing? Melody can read heartbeats but that’s related to understanding music and rhythms, not strictly sound perception. I think range goes to Pitou, but fidelity of sound to Melody. (Note that both of the darkest arcs have characters who can read others emotions: Pouf and Melody — a narrative tool for affecting the plot and setting the tone.)

Diego Zenhäusern

Oh man, I completely forgott about Melody 🙈 Hmm interesting question... I'd say Pitou has to have the higher range, but hasn't got the finess to interpret a persons heartbeat correctly, even though she could surely hear it if she wanted to. I think she mainly lacks experience and therefore could learn it if she wanted to....but her character doesn't feel like someone that is all that interested in other peoples emotions😅 So I don't think she will 🤔


You messed up here and bet on drivegoogle 88 and 89