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This is "HXH 84-85 PATREON REACTIONS!.mp4" by AwakeProductions! on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Oda Nobunaga

LET'S GO AP. THANK YOU SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAH MY FAV EPISODES I wanted to ask, when Kite feels anxious, and that red aura engulfs him, is it a foreshadowing of Pitou's en?


1080p takes its time today :( xD


I can't wait to see your reactions to the rest of Chimera Ant Arc!


as long as we are getting uploads time doesnt really matter


I believe so. I always seen it as, he's focusing his thoughts on stopping the King being born.. but he completely forgot about the Royal Guard coming just before him. Dont take that as fact, just my view on it haha.

Christopher Rivera

Prometheus gave humans fire. The chimera ants gave the animals intelligence, and the humans physical power beyond their past lives.

yo kel!

This is the brutal reality of the chimera ant arc

Killua X

I haven't finished yet but just wanted to say that I couldn't wait for your reaction to Pitou's reveal (because I love her character--as a villain) and the scene at the end of ep. 85 is one of the darkest and most impactful images of HxH. Oh, and before I forget. Notice how Kite didn't say "another bad spin" after his last roll... A lot of people like to think that Kite finally got a good spin, and then... 😭

Oda Nobunaga

Did you enjoy the episodes AP? What are your expectations from now? I have enjoyed this reaction so much. Thank you for all the reactions <3 They truly fill up a gap in a day

Christopher Rivera

They don’t have EN. They had no idea what was coming, and it happened like a second after Kite warned them.


I did enjoy them! I have high expectations. I expect it to only get darker and more dangerous from here. You’re welcome!


Kite rolling a 3 against her + only having 1 arm makes me sad every time :(


I have lots to say but I watched this on my phone in bed lol I hope I remember everything later.


In like three scenes and a few sentences they lay the foundations for Pitou's personality, and then spend two episodes building to that reveal, all while continuing to tell and interesting and engaging story. Just from a narrative perspective that's cool, never mind the reiteration of the story's battle mechanics and rules while still having interesting character moments in between just for good measure. No one tells a story like Togashi.

Christopher Rivera

“It’s not worth it to let one species survive that can threaten the whole planet.” Related to AoT season 4... I said something similar when speculating about why Tybur thought he was right to wage war on Eldia for having the founding titan in Eren’s possession. Someone responded (paraphrasing) “I don’t think that’s a valid justification for war.” /AoT-related


Welcome to the Crymera Ant Arc :(


Its definitely complicated. For one, not every ant is evil. Some ants might even be against this but have no power to fight back so in order to save their own lives, they go along with it. I want them to be able to peacefully coexist. I really do. The ants are cool. There might even be a way to have them go on. I just don’t know if they can go on if they kill the king. I mean wouldn’t they just die out since he’s the only one who can procreate with others?


I NEED to hug both of these boys right now! They just melt my heart, every time.

Dillon Hansel

The SECOND you said "I can't wait to see them fuck somebody up!" in regards to Neferpitou, I nearly fucking choked an d verbally responded to my phone "Are yoy sure about that?" Great reaction as always, I'm glad that it's starting to sink home that the ants are indeed whole ass villains and an entire threat to humanity. We are also getting into more psychological aspects as well when it comes to the respective mentalities of Gon and Killua which play an important role in the development of the arc.


There are humans in our world who hunt animals for curiosity or entertainment. No difference with Pitou and Kite situation I believe.

Christopher Rivera

That was basically the message when Ponzu was shot by an armed ant and then eaten (she’s weak so her TEN wasn’t going to protect her from bullets - assuming she wasn’t using Zetsu).


Pitou is less to blame than humans that hunt for sport, in my mind. She didn't do it to kill or to be cruel, she did it to learn her own strength, and to train, seen when she allows Kite to conjure a weapon. Also, she's only a day old. For me, none of her actions are outside a diligent and intelligent Royal Guard ant's duties and instincts. It's the same for me of all ants, I don't hate a single one of them, because the worst parts about them are literally the human component, and all the rest is merely the deep programming of their chimera ant nature. In the same way, I don't hate animals that eat other animals alive, or cats that play with mice and birds before eating them.


Loved the emotion in this reaction! :D


By the way, did you notice how scuffed up Pitou was, and how devastated the environment was? Trees felled for a dozen yards around, streams broken, etc? Kite was strong enough to knock Pitou around and destroy the landscape even with one arm having been cut off, all with that little rod he summoned. It puts me in awe of Kite more than anything else in the show, which is kind of amazing, because it achieved that by *not* showing a fight. Makes you wonder how much worse off Pitou would be if he'd had both arms and wasn't bleeding out to start with - which in turn makes you realise how guilty Gon might feel about everything, since he consciously decided he wouldn't leave even if Kite told him to run, and then followed through with that decision as much from inexperience and indecision when Kite did tell them to run.


amazing reaction,. I cried when the cat killed kite!!!!

Christopher Rivera

Even if Gon and Killua ran they wouldn’t be able to outrun her. And I bet if Pitou ripped through Gon instead that Killua would’ve stayed to fight, too.


I’m not sure where you got the notion that the queen can control or determine how much power each ant has, but that’s not the case. The royal guards were naturally gonna be born more powerful than the others because they directly protect the royalty

Christopher Rivera

Well, she isn’t consciously giving them more nutrients or higher quality genes. But the simplest explanation is probably that the fetuses of the Royal Guard and King are given a longer time to gestate (and thus feed). It’s like an involuntary condition of her pregnancy or of her laying soldier ant eggs, then Squadron leader eggs, and then Royal Guard eggs later than that. It’s analogous to a new line of IPhones, each later iteration being more cutting edge.

m dunt

if you like the scythe weapon check this anime out and its awesome too maybe a future hidden gem for us to enjoy the girl is called maka and she weapons are souls : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nXVBDVUWVU


Why? The number has nothing to do with the weapons effectiveness.


Pitou is protecting her King from an attacker. Why would she care? She's also a cat. They play with their food. She brought a dead bird back to her owner. By "Real Hunter", Killua is saying Kite is the 1st Hunter they have actually met who lived the lifestyle. Hisoka is just a Psychopath with a license, Tez was playing a game for money, and Bisky was mainly tagging along on their journey not really pursuing a goal as she half asked playing the game being more focused on helping them grow.


Oh man I actually get upset at my cat when he kills mice and brings them home. I mean I understand that it’s his nature and that he doesn’t have the same concept of life or death as humans, but it’s still sad. I feel guilty. I don’t really need the food. In regards to Neferpitou, I do mention that I understand that she is protecting her king. I actually question myself on why I’m so upset. I don’t think she is evil for killing him. I think I’m upset because she killed a character I was attached to. I was also upset because she seemed to have no regard or value for human life other than them being food. It’s even implied she is evil by multiple characters in the episode so I did try to take that into consideration when judging her character. To summarize I guess I feel that her curiosity knows no bounds and she places no value in any other creature who is not an ant, which makes her dangerous. Also, she was ready to kill the bunny this episode so I don’t think she really cares all that much for anyone else other than her king. I think it’s nice that you don’t hate any of the ants, but I can’t do it 😭 just because you may have been made with a “bad” human, it doesn’t mean you can’t control your impulses. I guess for her killing kite, I understand she was protecting her king, but if she goes around killing people for sport, I can’t just excuse it. The thing that makes it a little difficult is that yes, they seem to be learning about and adopting our ways of life, but I don’t think they are as civilized yet. They are still quite savage. They don’t seem to have any idea of what is right or wrong, moral or immoral. I don’t know if they ever will. I mean would they even care if they started murdering each other (as long as it’s not the queen or king)? I guess I’m saying that it would bother me if they keep killing people and torturing people for no other reason than for fun, but it’s hard not to cut them SOME slack because I don’t think they know that it’s wrong. Does that make sense?

Diego Zenhäusern

Don't feel bad: I (at least so far) don't really like the new pro hunters either and (especiallyafter seeing what happened to Kite) I'm also really worried, that that whole scene might just have been a giant death flag for all of them😲😥

Christopher Rivera

We don’t know what they’ve been through either to say they’re being unreasonably confident. We don’t know them or what they know, and they don’t know what we know; taking this into consideration is part of “understanding different perspectives.”


I felt a little bad about it, but I was sort of rolling when you got excited about Neferpitou showing up. I knew it was going to be a roller coaster, since she was going to start experimenting on someone, which you've said you hate so many times. I really agree about Knov (glasses guy) and Morel (the big one) being assholes. Sure Gon and Killua probably should have never gone into NGL, but they could at least try being sympathetic. The kid was obviously depressed and they're just like "Let's gang upon him while he's down". I don't see a problem with hating Neferpitou, either. Some other people pointed out that she's there to protect the queen, and that is a valid reason to kill Kite. I agree with that, but her attitude is just way too unnerving. All the other higher ranked ants are relatable to some degree. She's just scary.


I don't think anyone here made this argument. But a while ago someone online said Gon could've saved Kite, let's do some simple deductive reasoning: Pitou outclassed Kite. Killua, who is by far weaker than Kite, knocked out Gon in one strike. End of argument.

Killua X

What was their argument that Gon could've saved him? Don't answer if it's spoiler.


"Isn't she suppose to bring the prey back alive to the queen?..." ...seconds later "her curiosity is destructive in nature..." Now you know what killed the cat lmfao. Please keep those lines in mind. Got damn that's funny in retrospect.

Christopher Rivera

Especially the “curiosity.” But maybe be less direct about this sort of thing or note it to bring up later. 🙃

Killua X

The Chimera Ant spoiler gang has entered your YouTube comment section. Please stay away. Also the Royal Guards all have crazy names but not so crazy nicknames (like Pitou). And yes, I just wanted to make this 100 comments.

Christopher Rivera

Pitou is also the name of a panther in a French children’s book (more references later). “Nefer-“ is a clear allusion to Ancient Egyptian history with more of those later (or rather mythological ones). “Nefertari, also known as Nefertari Meritmut, was an Egyptian queen and the first of the Great Royal Wives of Ramesses the Great. Nefertari means 'beautiful companion' and Meritmut means 'Beloved of [the goddess] Mut'.” “Mut was a mother goddess worshipped in ancient Egypt. Her name literally means mother in the ancient Egyptian language.” “Mut was sometimes said to have given birth to the world through parthenogenesis, but more often she was said to have a husband, the solar creator god Amun-Ra.” Also, some connection to the god Nefertem: “As the son of Bastet, he also sometimes has the head of a lion or is a lion or cat reclining.”


its okay i teared up too again cause i did believe in gon's hope. LETS GOO this is gonna be a long arc but so far im loving ur reactions & how real they are. your discussions are really good too so dont plz delete em

Matthew Martin

Can we get this reuploaded to the Google drive? Its not in there.