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Edit: I added a conversation into the YouTube video for this episode where I discuss Zeke’s spinal fluid and how it affects Eldians. I pretty much just ask questions about the differences between ingesting different Titans’ spinal fluid. For example, Rod Reiss. Why did Rod turn instantaneously when he licked the spinal fluid up in season 3, but with Zeke’s they don’t change until his scream? Does that mean the spinal fluid rod ingested wasn’t royal or does it mean that it has to be the Beast Titan’s spinal fluid? I’m just confused on that part of it. If it’s something I missed please comment down below to clarify! ❤️





This is "AOT 4X13 PATREON REACTION!" by AwakeProductions! on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



i liked todays episode i've been excited for this

Killua X

He's lying, I've been more excited than he has been.


Super interesting to see that you still have this much faith in Eren


I’m very interested to see what happens next. But it is quite sad to see Eren treat his dear friends like how he threatens Reiner earlier this season


The scenes of Niccolo in this episode are really strong. There are a lot of people watching AoT for its action scenes and might be complaining about the pacing but I love it for scenes like this. (Remember the people saying "The name of this anime is Attack on Titan but where the titans at?" when S3 aired?) This anime knows how to make scene impactful without relying on the aciton.

Killua X

That scene in the dining room was everything. And when you called the spinal fluid in the wine right away I was like, did she cheat wtf?! Maybe I'm just slow because I didn't think of that. Idk what Zeke or Eren's plans are, but I like that we don't know. I like that we're starting to wonder if they're really working together or not and who's plan is better. What if this event at the table with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa is gonna be Eren telling Armin he has two options and he that wants Armin's guidance on how to move forward? Throwback to S1 when the three of them were huddled under Eren's half titan skeleton figuring out what to do when all the soldiers had them surrounded and guns pointed.


what if eren is just doing the lelouch thing


I doubt their conversation will be very friendly like the one they had in season 1. This man just showed up with a wound on his palm while his men tied up the rest of his friends. The context is probably similar to the talk with Reiner, "let's talk, you don't have a choice anyway and don't even think about doing anything funny."


Did anyone notice the book zeke was reading? Do you guys think it was important? Maybe it was on Titan powers or Titan history? It could also be nothing 😅


Right now I'm between either the fluid is required for turning people into titans, which would explain him not just using it every time he fought the Scouts, or it meaning he doesn't actually have to be within earshot to turn people. I am sort of put off by the fact that they would purposely do that to people, whatever their plans are, but I had a bit of grim satisfaction about it thinking back. I remembered that scene in an earlier episode where that military guy is talking some dehumanizing shit about Historia while drinking wine. I feel bad for the other people there, but screw that guy.


Most likely not, Isayama already shot down that theory, that he won't copy someone else's writing and his audience will not be able to anticipate what he has in mind


Well well well. Generally, the top MPs are a bunch of imbeciles anyway, I'd be okay with that. From a very radical perspective, those old sellouts like Zachery sat on their comfy chairs for too long anyway, time for more competent people to rise up From my understanding, I believe the condition for Zeke's power is to consume his spinal fluid in any form and to hear his roar before activation.


There are two people I'd like to pay the uttermost respect to in this episode. Sasha's father, and Captain Levi. That dining room speech was incredible, Sasha's father was a great man, and was very understanding about this whole shitty situation. This man's analogy with his hunting philosophies was very powerful; this world is just a massive forest with everyone hunting to survive, his daughter killed others as well, it's only natural she got killed eventually, at the end of the day no individuals are really at fault here, what's wrong is the nature of war itself. And then there's Captain Levi, watching this episode I thought to myself that Eren has gone rogue already, honestly, if Levi were to go rogue there's no one capable of stopping him, so why won't he? For someone this strong he has principles to guide him and keep himself in check, I can see that when he wanted to wait for HQ's orders before proceeding, this man is a true soldier, with a high degree of virtue. I feel sad for Levi because I feel like this man is too strong, he's so strong that he always outlives the people he cares about, shown in the flashbacks, after everyone he has lost, the only thing he has left is the belief that it is all to protect the hope of Eldia, Eren Jaeger, but now...


Lastly, let's talk about Gabi, I don't think punishments are fit for her. She's simply one of the many people who have committed sins in this shitty war. If we want to talk about punishments I'm sure the people Eren and Armin killed in one night triumphs Gabi by miles. That said by no means is Gabi innocent, ignorance does not equate to innocent. This girl definitely needs to spend some time learning some proper values and understand the world better. And in turn, I hope she can change and be a positive influence on humanity. I love how her entire worldview and values are crumbling before her eyes, I cannot wait to see how she develops.


I added a conversation into the YouTube video for this episode where I discuss Zeke’s spinal fluid and how it affects Eldians. I pretty much just ask questions about the differences between ingesting different Titans’ spinal fluid. For example, Rod Reiss. Why did Rod turn instantaneously when he licked the spinal fluid up in season 3, but with Zeke’s they don’t change until his scream? Does that mean the spinal fluid rod ingested wasn’t royal or does it mean that it has to be the Beast Titan’s spinal fluid? I’m just confused on that part of it. If it’s something I missed please comment down below to clarify! ❤️


I read the manga last year and have forgotten a lot of the little details since then but I interpreted it as Zeke's royal blood lets him control anyone who ingests his spinal fluid. This includes being able to delay when they turn into Titans.


Granted I didn't watch the discussion, but I think you missed one detail. The only source they have on Zeke's spinal fluid making Eldians freeze up is Zeke's word, they have not verified it. In other words, Zeke (probably, I haven't read the manga) lied to make them think they'd be obvious symptoms, when in reality there where none at all, meaning they were able to (presumable, once again I haven't read the manga) "infect" tons of people without anyone batting an eye.


Erens goal is. . .moving forward to FREEDOM😤


I was wondering, when did the book show up? Was it this episode? I'm really bad at spotting things, so I couldn't find where it was.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I don't think you can (or should) give her a pass (not that I think you insinuated that), just because she's a kid. But you should definitely take it into consideration (alongside with her being heavily brainwashed) when you want to blame or even punish her. I also agree that what she's going through right now (being confronted with the deep flaws of her worldview and seeing some alternative values), could do her way more good in the long run than any punishment ever would. And lastly I personally think that it's just hypocriticall to punish anyone independent of how old they are for killing people in a war and the only ones (if any) that should be punished are the higher ups calling the shots!

Diego Zenhäusern

Hell yeah, I think the fact that it never even occured to me that he could try to abuse his powers just tells you how strong Levi's principles are! Also: Sasha's dad really reminded my of Winry helping Scar. She too understood that there is a diference between forgiving someone and not seeking revenge because you understand that hate will only breed more hate. I'd also like to mention that I really liked them showing Kaya attacking Gabi. It just further emphasized what a great man Sasha's father really is and how easy it can be to be overtaken by rage....

Diego Zenhäusern

Her reaction to Eren entering the room was great xD


Just to clarify. Gabi killed Sasha but it wasn't murder. Sasha was a soldier engaged in an active armed conflict. Likewise, Gabi also was a soldier engaged in an active armed conflict. Papa Braun himself makes the distinction ("she became a soldier, shot people far yonder and got herself shot"). If the Scouts had killed Gabi aboard the airship immediately after Sasha got shot, it also wouldn't be deemed murder. However Nicolo killing Gabi would've been murder. Just want people to realize the difference because its an important one.