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I know it’s late 🙈




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Killua X

Yesss!!! Well, how can we be mad when you use the monkey face emoji 😏


HxH is never late. it gets here right when its meant to. thank you for upload!


"Late" is really just a matter of time zones m'lady


for me it's perfect timing, don't know what you're talking about :P edit: don't worry you weren't looking bored at all - more really focused! By the way, you laugh while vibing to the 2nd intro sounded super happy, looks like you really had a good day there, love it! 😊

Killua X

You always surprise me when you call me out in your reactions lol. Yes I am excited for WandaVision, and thanks for giving me a cool X-Men symbol with your hands 😅. So I was about to tell you about the Breath of Archangel card/item, but I think that might be considered spoiler so I'll just say it'll be explained soon, you didn't miss that. But... I think you might've missed something. You were vibing to the dope music (totally understandable 😄) when Gon said to himself, 'I know I'm supposed to stick to the plan, but I don't like the idea of being totally manhandled. I'll make him use his power, I'll carry out the plan afterwards.' So our crazy little boy is once again trying to go plus ultra on his own and actually give Genthru a fair fight. Also, are you a singer??? You sound really good and on pitch when you sing those first notes of the outro song! 🎤 Can you keep doing it please?🙏 Lol, we're almost done with this arc anyway.

Christopher Rivera

Kurapika’s teacher, Izunavi, explained emotions can affect your nen output (such as Kurapika’s anger and hatred towards the Troupe). He also said it gives a boost (from my observations it’s usually about 20%) but can strain the user (partly why Kurapika seems sickly at the end of York New but also due to his contract) . Nen means mindforce, same as willpower, so the stronger your resolve then the more aura you produce. In real life, humans do this through the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, which puts the body in fight or flight mode by mobilizing glucose to the muscles to either fight the stressor or threat or to run away. Cortisol is also released when exercising (a stressful event in itself). So, it’s not exactly plot armor as it’s an in-universe rule of the power system (it’s also what allows the Troupe to be so strong). Resolve is also why Netero saw more potential in Gon than Killua (who gave up at the ball game and had no interest in the exam aside from feeling bored). Edit: should add I’m not implying there isn’t plot armor but not much for a shonen. Only consistent believable rules, and the dissimulation of plot armor is needed. — AOT SPOILER: Even Eren was saved by turning into a titan the first time, despite it being later established as a rule that only through self harm and will can a shifter transform. But no self harm nor knowledge of the ability. /End of AOT SPOILER.

Christopher Rivera

I think with stuff like Angel’s breath you can just ask her if she’d like an answer. I tend to assume her questions are rhetorical, or thinking out loud, so I don’t answer unless she explicitly asks for one from the comments.

Oda Nobunaga

It’s been an awful week of mock exams but at least now I have so much too watch and I love it 🥳


I mean, of course it is consistent with the power system, no issue there, but...honestly, I like Killua's strategic style (planning, analyzing his opponent, laying traps & countering) more (or smart over strong characters in shows in general). I totally get the appeal of powering through with an iron will, but simply like characters who work their mental muscles as well better, mostly if the MC's stubbornness is never really punished (e.g. losing someone important due to it) because, let's be honest, never giving up can also be a huge weakness

Killua X

I wish I could just binge AP reactions, especially for HxH. Unfortunately they pretty much make my week so I bet I'm the first view on them for each upload lol. **With that being said, the next ep is gonna be a good one! I'm counting down the days at this point 😭.

Diego Zenhäusern

I was just thinking and maybe I'm completely overthinking things here: It was mentioned that Coockie-chan can keep you skin look younger. But what about the rest of Bisky's appearance? Is Bisky looking the way she does because of Cookie-chan or is there something else to it? Because that would also explain why she thinks that power is "the most useful in the world" (when she argues with Killua), as she hates her original form🤔 But maybe I'm just reading way to much into a moment that's meant entirely for comedic relief🙈😅

Christopher Rivera

As a transmuter she has 80% efficiency in conjuration. With conjuration you can basically make objects with non-offensive supernatural traits like how Shizuku’s vacuum can suck up anything non-living, seemingly regardless of size (might cost a lot of aura). So her anti-aging lotion is just seemingly, cosmetically and temporarily, anti-aging. Like Kurapika’s chains it likely appears/disappears according to Bisky’s will. She is a self-proclaimed liar so maybe one could expect another, more useful ability kept secret.


You look at Killua the same way Hisoka looks at Gon.


Pour one out for Mr Battera and his lover.


Bisky's true form is awesome, there's some attention given to that much later in the manga after where the anime leaves off that I find both hilarious and heartwarming and I hope you decide to read it after the anime. But yeah, telling someone they look awesome isn't really a solace to them if the type of awesome they look is not one they are comfortable with or identify as. It's like telling a prideful and masculine boy he's "cute". They're not always going to be able to take that complement when they don't want to be perceived as cute.