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when you point out the eyes looking different, i can never tell personally. Also, i dont think anything changes with the animation, i think madhouse studios does the whole show. although maybe different ppl work on different episodes.


It’s easier to tell on a bigger screen. Try watching it on a laptop or tv. It might just be something I notice because of my OCD.

William Long

I dont remember the animation dropping in quality but now that you mention it I can see, but I do remember in later episodes the animation being beautiful.


Melody best girl.


For the part with tracking the eyes, Neon's bodyguards had fake copies of the eyes that were going to be sold at the auction. Kortopi has the ability to track any fake object he has created by touching the real object that he copied to create it. Also, I agree on the Phantom Troupe. They're really just the worst people. It's tough because they have some good qualities, but then they just do the worst things for no good reason. Every time they're just on their own, I want to like them, but every time they deal with other people not named Gon, they're just entirely heartless.


(Sorry if you figure this out during the video, I'm too antsy to watch the whole thing before commenting lol) I guess you forgot. The Troupe made copies of all the merchandise and allowed those copies to be sold off. They kept the real ones. Kurapika won the Scarlet Eyes for Neon at the auction (remember he handed them over to her and looked all depressed). Chrollo figured out "the chain user" was working for the Nostrade family because Neon was interested in buying things like the Scarlet Eyes, so it was a good guess that those eyes would lead them to wherever they were staying. Kortopi said he could track any copy he had made if he was touching the real thing. By touching the real Scarlet Eyes he was able to locate the fake ones, which Kurapika bought at the auction. That was why they were at the auction, to steal the antiques in a way that no one would know they had been conned til long after, when the copies either disappear (since Kortopi made them with his nen) or are found out to be fake. But at that point the Troupe will be long gone.

Christopher Rivera

Long running anime tend to have issues with consistent visual quality due to budgeting and staff changes, sometimes they’re just outsourcing some of the work to other companies at different times. But it is the same studio, Madhouse. They plan - though nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan - their budget according to what they need and what scenes they wish to prioritize so if they skimp somewhere expect it to pay off later. Hunter x Hunter maintains very high production values compared other long running anime like Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece. For the 148 episodes it ran weekly, I don’t think they even took a week off (unless you count the two recap episodes, 13 and 26). Anime like The Promised Neverland, Demon Slayer, and Attack on Titan look great but also get multiple years before they then release 12-25 episodes (still weekly). The latter half of HxH has some episodes rivaling any other anime, visually and sound design-wise.

Christopher Rivera

I remember seeing a recent video on writing for screenplays that gave the advice: “give every hero a tragic flaw, every villain redeeming qualities.” Psychopaths can actually empathize with others selectively and shut it off at will. We see this with Nobunaga, mercilessly cutting down Squalla but mourning Uvo and wanting to save Chrollo. Great characters have complex, consistently contradictory personalities.

Christopher Rivera

Meteor City residents don’t exist to the outside world and I interpret the Spider to be a form of revenge on the world for having been forgotten and neglected by the world. Like the Joker they just enjoy wreaking havoc, killing, and stealing; but it’s not simply because they’re psychopaths, they became that way partly because it was such a lawless/anarchist city that to survive you had to be ruthless yet cooperate with other strong, ruthless people (like gang wars; “bonds thinner than water yet thicker than blood”). It’s almost like Togashi telling us to care for people in unfortunate circumstances because even if they aren’t from where we live they might affect our lives sooner or later. Chrollo said he believes in (varies with translation) spirits/ghosts; and the Troupe (being unrecognized to the world until they made themselves infamous) are like ghosts haunting the world of the “living” (=everyone who exists in official records and in normal environments governed by a rule of law). When I think of how they can kill so easily it also reminds me of Unit 731: [Quote/] short for Manshu Detachment 731 and also known as Kamo Detachment,:198 Ishii Unit, was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest gas chamber in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (now Northeast China), and had active branch offices throughout China and Southeast Asia. [/quote] source: wikipedia page Unit 731 In a documentary, a soldier was asked how they could perform such horrible experiments (like using prisoners as firewood to examine effects of burning). He said, (paraphrasing) that in his society he is considered nothing and if he was nothing then these enemies of his society were even less than nothing.

Christopher Rivera

Arcs alternate between light and dark, relatively. Hunter exam was lighter than Zoldyck Family, ZF was darker than Heaven’s arena, HA was lighter than York New, and YN is darker than [guess the next arc]. So 4 arcs. 1 and 3 are the light arcs, 2 and 4 are dark. If we compare light arcs (odd numbered) with each other, or dark arcs with each other (even numbered) then the series does keep getting better. But arc 4 (York New) is considered by the vast majority to be better than the following 5th arc. But comparing the 4th and 6th arcs, most lean to 6th as being better but it’s close. 4 and 6 tends to come down to whether you prefer a faster paced, more consistent arc or an arc with more of the series’ best scenes/moments. Also, really hoping your bro doesn’t spoil the ants.


Budget, Tight schedule, fully hand-drawn animation, Studio Madhouse is already doing a phenomenal job. It has nothing to do with staff changes or anything, since HxH is a long running series, it's impossible to keep the quality to a level as high as Demon Slayer or Violet Evergarden


It's true, it's like Togashi is telling us that the injustice that happens every single day in human society is what creates people like the phantom troupe. People like Chrollo, who has nothing to lose and nothing they care about since they've never been loved, never been given anything. They've been constantly bullied by society and stomped on by life that they would do anything to not be that way


Well if they let Squala go he'd just meet up with Kurapika. Yes the song was the first Outro.


I remembered I was just confused on how it worked. Like what is he able to track exactly. It’s wasn’t clear to me.

Killua X

Hahaha you got it Lex! Well, tbh there are two unforgettable moments in this episode that I replay 2-3 times every time I watch it: 1) When Killua reminds us how savage he is by dislocating his fingers to slip out of Machi's threads and so gracefully breaks Pakunada's hand in the darkness (also how quickly Gon follows up with the kick to her face managing to actually cause damage and knock out a tooth). Remember the troupe just thought these were some kids who had a basic understanding of nen and nowhere near the level to even put a scratch on them. So I always loved this part and when they say "we underestimated them (Killua and Gon)". 2) The part when Phinks tries to get cute and tells Kurapika that they broke some bones and Kurapika hangs up. Soooo hilarious! 😂. He was smiling so confidently and when Kurapika hangs up he calls back with the quickness so freaking serious with that typical anime giant sweat drop on his face: "sorry, I lied." 😂😂😂 Thanks for the shout-out btw, that was a totally unexpected and pleasant surprise ❤️. Kinda funny that I've somehow managed to get at least 4 YouTubers to shout out "Killua" s name on YT by now and the others aren't even anime reactors so they pronounced it "Kahlua" like the drink lol. So I'll prob end up editing this comment because I'm doing it on my phone and I wanna watch your reaction again but yes, I definitely noticed the animation going down here in certain areas. Not really sure why, but it does go back up later on. Also, can we talk about friendship goals. Remember all that these 4 strangers (Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua) have been thru to get them to this point (hunter exam, zoldyck family arc, heavens arena). They would die for each other at this point and it's such a strong bond. Edit: The anime does get better and better...kind of. Christopher's comment above gives the best explanation. The arcs alternate between light and dark (odd numbers light, even numbers dark) both in theme/story and complexity. The next arc isn't as good overall as the York New arc, but it is the best "light" arc. The "ant" arc after is the longest, darkest, and most complex arc with the slowest beginning but the best payoff, having (as Christopher and many others have said) some of the greatest moments in anime. It's kind of inevitable talking about HxH anywhere without hearing about the "ant" arc as it's praised for many good reasons, but I really hope you don't get spoiled about ANYTHING in it because youtubers love to use stupid thumbnails and titles as you know. And events in that arc are heavily reacted to and included in compilations and shit. Don't watch any of those AMVs especially lol. So, this arc is about to end as you predicted, but, it isn't the last time we'll see... certain members of the troupe. I have a question: would you consider it a spoiler if we say things that slightly manage your expectations for future events? Or would you rather know the least possible?

Knocking Master Jiro

Haven't seen a long running show have this quality. It's best animators rival or surpass many seasonal shows.

Knocking Master Jiro

A lot of times Japanese companies outsource (especially for long running anime) to other smaller studios many are Korean with lower budgets so they don't go bankrupt. Usually for HxH every 7th episode is the very high quality animation (episode 47, 54, 61 etc.) so keep that in mind and you should also search "Sakuga animation" on Youtube or Google for greater context on high quality animation. Will clear up a lot of confusion. Lastly, regarding "action" as you have seen of HxH isn't as action packed as other battle shonen. Togashi already did that with his previous title Yu Yu Hakusho (its amazing btw) so he focused more on psychological aspects like morality, what is right or wrong etc. Won't go too deep but a lot of people find the "lack of action" boring or uninteresting but I appreciate the difference, I hope this doesn't bore you down the road.

Knocking Master Jiro

A lot of times Japanese companies outsource (especially for long running anime) to other smaller studios many are Korean with lower budgets so they don't go bankrupt. Usually for HxH every 7th episode is the very high quality animation (episode 47, 54, 61 etc.) so keep that in mind and you should also search "Sakuga animation" on Youtube or Google for greater context on high quality animation. Will clear up a lot of confusion.

Killua X

I was considering commenting on this as well. So, someone previously put it well, unlike some super action packed shonen like Dragonball Z which builds story around the fights, HxH builds fights into it's story. I think I have an interesting perspective because I solely watched action packed stuff like DBZ, MHA, One Punch, etc until I got into HxH. It was an adjustment for sure until it slowly became my no. 1. The problem is that HxH comes off as battle heavy at times so it makes you expect it. AP doesn't only like battle shonen because she has a pretty varied taste in anime styles it seems. So my suggestion to her would be this: when watching HxH, don't think of it as a traditional action shonen. Try to watch it like you were watching TPN, for example. That way, maybe you'll be more immersed in it's storytelling and character building and then be more satisfied when those amazing battles do come. Idk if that makes any sense 🤷🏻‍♂️. Edit: if you read this, I really don't want it to seem like we're all telling you how to watch the show. I just realized it might come off that way and possibly make you feel more pressure or anxiety about it. Just watch the show and give us your honest reactions and thoughts and I'm here for it.


Btw, I think theres 3 sides right now. Some are are prioritizing the spider, some prioritizing Chrollo, and some are prioritizing both, which I think is Paku. She said the Troupe still needs him.

Christopher Rivera

I think I’d describe the three sides as generally: Those who most value Chrollo’s wellbeing and individual worth over the Spider’s future. Those who value the Spider, it’s future and rules, but depend on Chrollo’s leadership or want him to remain part of the Spider because of his personal worth. Those who, like Chrollo, most value the collective identity of the Spider as well as the rules and ideals Chrollo set forth, such as “someday a leg may take the place of the head.”


Nice reaction :) What I really like about the Troupe rightnow is the sudden conflict of collectivism vs individualism (valueing Chrollo as a part of the whole vs valueing him as an individual in his own right); wonder if/how that would affect the group dynamic if they all lived through that - would they still be able to work together like that, knowing that some would be willing to just ditch the rules & the rest of the group to follow a single member?

Diego Zenhäusern

I think it's also interessting that it isn't even clear what following or breaking the rules really means anymore. It's like Pakunoda said: Is she breaking the rules/ betraying the Troupe by thelling them about Kurapika's abilities or by not telling them? While Chrollo clearly seems to think they should abondon him, the behaviour of the different Troupe members (and the flashback) also shows, that he never was specific enough about situations like this and therefore there doesn't seem to exist an exact rule on how to behave here...

Diego Zenhäusern

I have to admit, that watching this anime I really am developing a crush on Machi xD I really was impressed by her badass move of just traping Killuas hand insid her body....she's just such a savage! And of course the fact that I think she's hot AF doesn't hurt her case either... So firstly Lex, you're not alone here crushing on anime characters and secondly: Don't you DARE hoping Kurapika kills all of them except Chrollo, because Machi has to survive too!!1!1 ^^

Killua X

Machi is hot, and she is a savage,...which makes her even hotter.


Let's go! I think I spot a new Kurapika fan.. The troupe needs to go since like yesterday


She's definitely top. What other girl could keep Kurapika in check?


It's funny how much you despise the Phantom Troupe when I've genuinely always liked them a lot. I understand why you feel the way you do, you take their actions very personally to where I kind of just appreciate how well written they are. They aren't like your typical group of baddies that don't care about anyone including each other. The Troupe cares deeply about one another, they're family almost and getting to see their perspective consistently allows them to be really fleshed out. They're still antagonists though and they do very awful things, so there' absolutely nothing wrong with hating them. Regardless Toagashi does a fantastic job humanizing them, which you never see done to the same capacity with your typical bad guy.


wow I've never seen someone so passionate over Squala, this is interesting how you actually value every single character's life; I only wonder if it'll change later on...