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Christopher Rivera

I love the direction this arc is going in. Emma being a (demon) hunter?! Emma’s first kill... perhaps she’ll be forced to kill not just demons in the future but also the humans in on the deal? Demon heretics = metaphorical vegetarians? Or pescatarians?

Christopher Rivera

And lots of HxH vibes but can’t talk about that yet.

Christopher Rivera

Just to clarify, I was never upset at what you said and didn’t think anything you said was hating on animal eaters. I only expressed why animal eating was neither unethical nor unnecessary for health reasons. Also I gave an applause when Emma killed that bird. Just kidding. /jk

Killua X

First, I'm really liking where this show is going. I was already captivated by the first season, but now they're free in this open world (worlds?) and have this crazy journey in front of them. How will they handle this having spent all of their lives up until now in one big house?? Also, can't believe y'all waited 2 years for this season. l literally don't know what to do with my life when a show I really like ends. Love the HxH reference. Also, we're really gonna be in for some long discussions 2 arcs from now in HxH lol. Octopuses is technically correct though octupi has become popular in modern usage (don't worry I had to look it up, thought it was octupi too). It is normal to drain the meat before preparing it for cooking, storage, etc. Sonja and M*****(forgot her name already) are shunned like you thought, they mentioned that they are considered heretics, which in religion means their beliefs differ greatly from the generally accepted beliefs or customs (in this case, the majority of the demon race's beliefs). So, I can see that it's tough for you to talk about stuff like religion and killing animals. But, those literally are two of the most polarizing topics in the world. We do have freedom of speech and this is your platform to voice your opinions. I respect you a lot for always trying to apologize and make sure you don't offend anybody but I still think you're being a little too hard on yourself at times. Like, don't stress about it too much. You are allowed to have your opinions and voice them as strongly as you want on your platform. I get it though. You also trying to stay as neutral as possible to maintain the most viewers, so I guess I'm saying you're doing a good job of balancing that from what I've seen. Oh yeah, and when you spent 5 minutes talking about how much you don't like eating meat and then said "But I like bacon??" I spit out my drink lol. Edit: One more thing, sorry if I totally missed if this was discussed during the first season reactions but, can we talk about why some of the younger kids look like the older ones? Like the younger Norman-looking kid and the baby Emma? Are we just assuming that since they are "farmed humans" that many of them share the same genes and that's why they look alike? Does that mean that they share the same character traits as well? For instance, will that "young Norman" grow up to be exceptionally smart and will baby Emma grow to have above average physical abilities?

Killua X

Definitely was thinking that too. Gonna be really interesting in a few months? Edited.

Christopher Rivera

Who knows how they’ll turn out but I can assume 1,000 years of farming children for intelligence/brain quality is why they’re so intelligent. It’s basically eugenics and sufficient reason why these children were the first (or few) to ever break out on their own.


There's nothing wrong with your justification about religion, but I think the point the author is getting across with the flower (Gupna) is more literal. If you didn't catch what was said, Sonju said that the Gupna drains the blood and preserves the meat. It's partially up for interpretation probably, but it could just be that literally without showing respect to the "gods" in this world, the Gupna just won't work. I don't know that for sure (and I've read the majority of the manga which explains it all a lot more thoroughly.)

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I kinda picked up on that line too, but I really can't judge how literal we're supposed to take that...

Diego Zenhäusern

It really is interesting how much of a psychological difference it makes if you substitute human for demon and rabbit/ cow etc. for human when talking about a farm. And this new perspective that this gives you made me really think again about what Isabella said in the first season about loving her children and therefore wanting them to life happy lives until they are harvested. I mean it is definitely not directly comparable (for instance, because she is saying this about fellow humans and not other "animals"), but I think many farmers will probably say that they love their animals and that they therefore want them to live happy lives until they get butchered.

Christopher Rivera

Someone I follow on Twitter complained (in AoT stan fashion): “That TPN scene where Emma is struggling to kill a bird seemed so dumb to me. Kinda cringey how they portrayed her resolve as "hardened" after that. Its a fucking bird. I killed a chicken so now i turned into Eren.” I replied: “I loved it actually. I applauded Emma for showing vegans that sometimes killing animals is super necessary. Also, emotional maturity and philosophical/existential awareness doesn’t necessarily follow having a high IQ. There’s many kinds of intelligence. Some people are also selectively irrational or sentimental, like religious scientists.” He replied: “I guess you have a point, though i feel like it was way too melodramatic” My last comment: “I think Emma being raised on a farm where she was coddled to only have a positive childhood (and never exposed to graphic material akin to Berserk or Attack on Titan) makes her reaction convincing even if I can’t relate to it given my exposure to such media and life experiences.” He has thousands of followers, respectfully, including many similar mutuals so I felt like protecting the series’ relatively respected name. “It’s the head of the minority that leads the body of the majority.” - Eric Hoffer (paraphrasing).