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Oh man, one door, Kurapika was one door away from meeting the phantom troupe's leader


Man I swear Hunter x Hunter's nen users, especially the specialists' abilities fit them so well. Kurapika's chains were to drag the monsters back into hell, while Chrollo's bandit's secret literally steals your abilities, makes so much sense for a thief

Christopher Rivera

Anime character who cracks his knuckles? There's Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and Jason (uncertain of the name) from season 1 of the same anime.

Killua X

Ehhh, don't be so quick to dismiss how powerful the Zoldyck family is, especially Zeno (the grandfather). He was right, I would say at this point in the show, him and Chrollo were evenly matched but Zeno would most likely win because of his experience. All the main characters in HxH are "dangerous" in their own ways. Not like DBZ for example where Goku is just OP and Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, etc. eventually become useless. Also, no burping while reacting please 😋.

Christopher Rivera

Chrollo is listed as a specialist. The manga has pages dedicated to explaining each Troupe member's nen type, ability and conditions. It doesn't mention whether he was born a specialist or not. I understood him to be born a specialist whereas Kurapika is the rare conjurer who becomes one under special circumstances (genocide of his clan). Zeno's comment about the fun cloth is just the Owl shadow beast's ability/type, and that the book is conjured is just him analyzing each step of the ability, like "conjuring the book is one condition, keeping it open is another" and so on (I'll leave the rest for you to find out later). Conjuring the book no more indicates his type than Kastro conjuring and manipulating a doppelganger back in Heaven's Arena (we were told he's an enhancer).


I'll lean towards Chrollo winning, we don't have enough information on what abilities he has hidden in that book, but I'm willing to believe he's got some powerful offensive abilities allowing him to be this confident against the Zoldyck

Christopher Rivera

"What a drag." - Shikamaru, the intelligent underachiever and shadow jutsu ninja.

Christopher Rivera

The tattoo on Chrollo's forehead is probably just a variation and callback to Togashi's other amazing villain, Shinobu Sensui from Yu Yu Hakusho. Worth watching YYH btw, for him and Toguro; Naruto's creator used to study it and read it over and over. The Sensui arc in particular seems to have some clues as to where the post-anime story of Hunter x Hunter is going (due to HxH being a second shot at certain ideas which Togashi was forced to compromise in YYH because his editors were controlling the direction of the series, at least enough to upset and depress him). Some speculate the tattoo is a sort of stylized cross marking Chrollo as the Jesus figure and head of the Spider (remember Hisoka is the Judas).


is there a google drive link?

Christopher Rivera

The chains also bound Kurapika to the Troupe and drag him into a hell of his own making, away from his friends consumed with hate and vengeance (feelings which boost aura output but at the cost of straining the user).

Killua X

Also, one thing I think you missed that gives a little insight into how savage the Zoldycks are. When Zeno (grandfather) was telling those hundred or so mafia to stfu, he literally told them he could kill all the people in the room in 7 seconds...


Yea Kaneki also cracks his knuckles. But the author of Tokyo Ghoul himself is a big HxH fanboy, who not only made his own Hisoka backstory, but actually worked for Togashi at some point. God, as someone with OCD, I can tell that was really bothering you and it was hilarious.

Christopher Rivera

Yeah, I think Shu Tsukiyama, the “Gourmet ghoul” with an obsession for Kaneki’s meat, is based on Hisoka.


Can't speak for others but this may just be one of the most brilliant crime presented in anime history. Knowing the two older Zoldycks are after him, Chrollo hired Illumi Zoldyck to kill the ten dons in order to cancel the bounty on his head; and then the phantom troupe after exterminating all the mafias outside proceeded to hijack and continue the auction while making copies, taking both the money and the treasures...not gonna lie it was a pretty big shock for me when I saw how much HxH has shifted from the happy go lucky vibe during the first two arcs


You missed the sort of strength comparison. When killua's grandpa and dad were talking the dad said the building was like 100m, and the grandpa said his En could cover 3x that if he wanted. Now the episode before the phantom troupe swordguy who captured Killua and Gon mentioned his En only covering a few meters. That showed me how strong the dad and granddad (and chrollo/hisoka) actually are haha. edit: and thanks for the reactions of course :)


Guess I'll list Chrollo's conditions 1. He must witness the Nen ability in action with his own eyes. 2. He must ask about the ability and be answered by the victim. 3. His victims palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret. 4. All of the above must be completed within an hour. When Chrollos said potential he was talking about Zeno's attack about to mess him up. Not the man himself


I also believe that he was saying if it was a one on one fight where they were both trying to kill each other then he wasn't sure who would win not necessarily that he would lose.


You can't compare characters strength by their En capabilities. The absolute equal characters can be very different in using En. However it shows Zeno as very skilled fighter, yea.


A bit of Topic, but i really want to Watch these reaction. Anyone an idea how to get past the, you have to wait 5 hours before you can watch the next 10 minutes of this episode bullshit Mega throws at me non stop? Took me 2 Days to Watch one Episode. Tried with VPN (blocked in like 20 Countries now for severall hours), tried some Mega Downloader Sehananigans, but only with a lot of effort i manage to somewhat watch 1 Episode a Day. And i am not gonna pay 10$ a month to Mega just to watch the reactions, i would pay 10$ more to her if i could actualy watch the Episodes, but not Mega.


Remember Kurapika already has Hisoka as an informant, there's literally nothing Gon and Killua could tell him that he can't learn or hasn't already learned from him. And furthermore, accepting their help here, even if he could use that info, would only encourage them to remain involved or endanger themselves again. Kurapika wouldn't want to endanger these kids for the sake of his personal grudge. (At least until hearing their resolve and Killua's retort I mean.)


I always read Kurapika's line "that's what I wanted!" as in he planned for members of the Troupe to want to avenge uvogin, thereby luring members to him, and those members being emotional rather than calculated.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, that's the impression I got from this episode too, though I didn't take into consideration that Kurapika probably planed for them to be emotionally unstable, which would give him way better chances of beating one of them than usual. This means that I didn't realize during the episode how "good" his plan actually was. And thinking about it like that: Kurapika really reminds me of Lelouch (Code Geass) at this moment, since Kurapika singling out Uvogin was (as he told us in the episode) basically to (as Lelouch would say) clear a condition (he needed to know whether he could physically restrain any member of the spiders with his abilities) before beeing able to procedeed to the next stage of the plan he had already laid out to beat the Troupe.


The Troupe won't get the money from the auction, it's not like mafia bosses bidding are going to go up and pay with cash, and it's not like they could pay into the Troupe's bank accounts without realising they weren't paying the owners of those items. They're just stealing the real items and leaving behind fakes. And yeah, Kortopi's line "I can't make *living* copies, but I can provide static copies", (he can make dead copies of people).


Last comment I swear: Yes Kurapika knows "some secret about nen. Some strength that doesn't require experience or power." - Kurapika's condition, that should he use his chain on anyone who isn't in the Phantom Troupe, he'll die on the spot. His teacher explained that placing a condition on your nen doesn't just add power, it multiplies it, and the more strict the condition, the more it is multiplied.


I always download with Mega from the browser (even if I hate their stupid download manager) I get way more luck than streaming most of the time. I can get the whole file instead of stopping the stream in the middle. Also AP posted a Google Drive link now much better IMO


Shalnark and Hisoka are Hunters. Pretty sure hacking a Mafia account then routing that money into another account is within Shalnark's capabilities. Machi does have a bank account. Obviously not going to have their names on them but they have their ways.