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Thank you for the early Christmas present!


Thank youuu ❤️ I’ve been breaking my back with all these schoolwork and this video is exactly the respite I needed.


Noiceeee 😁👍🏻


You know Kurapika is a savage when he brought a shovel to a deathmatch

Killua X

Yeet! Christmas is here early!


This is why Kurapika is my favourite character & fighter in this series; he didn’t win by brute strength or the power of friendship, every move he made was calculated, from hiding his true nen ability to studying his opponent’s habits. He did his homework thoroughly before going into a fight that he normally should’ve never won. His nen was also very creatively designed for combat and investigation purposes.


Uvo isn't the second strongest. It's hard to say exactly, but there are members that are stronger. His careless fight style doesn't help either. You should be very careful when you fight a good opponent. Kurapika just got lucky with Uvo and his fighting style. Well, it was not just luck but what want to say that with more careful opponent it would be harder to use chains like this. About the fist, Kurapika said that his nen-powered fist is slightly stronger that Uvo's iron skin. In terms of pure strength Uvo is waaaay stronger than Kurapika but not only brute strength value in nen battle. Also, every Specialist has his own power. For example it's full control over nen when it's comes to Kurapika, however Neon (the boss's daughter) has the ability to predict the future. P.S. About 3 eps in a row... Yep. =P However it's mostly because that ending of the 46 episode. P.P.S. I wish you Happy New Year. ^_^


I agree. Kurapika won because of his condition for emperor time and strategies, if this was a fight where both side have the same amount of information and preparation Kurapika doesn’t stand a chance; but this is what makes HxH great because strategy and preparation plays a vital role and makes up for the difference in power in the fights. Personally I’d say overall Uvo is probably ranked 5th among the phantom troupe, if Kurapika wants to hunt stronger spiders like Hisoka, Feitan, or even the boss he’ll need to step up his game as they are not as dumb as Uvo.

Killua X

You got us! Haha. It was worth it tho, your reaction was priceless. Sure, most of us knew they weren't gonna fight until ep. 47, but I'm sure we (at least I) were also looking out for you (imagine doing just 45 & 46 and still not seeing Kurapika and Uvo fight). This was the episode that made me change my favorite character from Killua to Kurapika (then to Gon, then back to Killua, then...you'll see). Also, 99% of HxH episodes are not filler or pointless. With each episode, several characters are further developed and we're given more insight into the deep undertones of the show. Here we have a boy who was surrounded by death but does not want to be a killer. Yet, his lust for revenge allows him to become a total specialist badass and thus a perfect killer. This is the beauty of Togashi's writing. Like your parallel to that reality TV show (which was a great comment btw), Togashi challenges us time and time again to question who we should be rooting for and then question why we are rooting for someone to die. Also love how you notice how intense and dark the show is becoming. I slept on HxH for a while because I only watched the 1st episode and was like ok it seems cool but not sure a kid with a fishing pole will be interesting for a show. Man was I wrong. This is probably my 3rd or 4th time watching the show (through your reactions) and I still marvel at its complexity and further cements it as my favorite anime of all time. Thanks again for granting our request. You're really the best. Glad to be here. P.S.-Your dance was great lol. Edit: Your dance and Hisoka impressions are great hahaha.


As a note, although Uvo is an incredibly strong fighter, his careless personality and the fact that he had little intel on Kurapika (and Kurapika obviously knew a lot about Uvo) led to him losing. It was basically a trap very well executed by Kurapika. There are stronger and honestly a lot smarter members in the troupe for sure, even not counting Chrollo


I only want to add that not all specialists have full control over every category. It was not explained well in this episode. But specialists can just use powers that don't fit into any of the other categories. Kurapika's specialist ability, Emperor Time, allows him to use every category. And don't worry about missing this. I think most people would misunderstand it when they see this episode (I know I did), simply because it was explained in a confusing way.


This has nothing to do with HxH, but when you said "sometimes people think [you] are fifteen," I'd wager that's probably because of the American movie/TV culture of casting 25-35 year olds to play people in their mid teens, shifting peoples image of what a teenager is 'supposed' too look like.

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I have to say that I was going into this figth thiking: "There is no way you can show me how strong Uvo is and then Kurapika is just able to beat him on his own!"


Yeah well Uvo is probably the dumbest spider in the troupe, Kurapika is probably the worst type of opponent he could’ve faced. The match will be way different if Kurapika’s opponent was Hisoka or Chrollo

m dunt

honestly everyone here explaining everything but the more you see stuff the clearer it becomes like nen for example when you first saw that it was baffling but you prob got a good hold on it now

Christopher Rivera

I thought putting 48 in a separate upload was also important. Because 47, and odd numbered episodes in general, leaves you wanting more but also satisfied. Kurapika’s goal is a costly one, especially for his psyche. The thing he wants isn’t what he needs. I feel the same about HxH, it’s my favorite anime but I initially didn’t expect it to be anything close but the thought slowly crept up on me and by the end I was sure it was top tier. It only gets better the more I watch and reflect on it. I don’t know another anime with this great a cast of characters, several great protagonists/POVs, antagonists, shifting perspectives, relationship dynamics, significant storytelling and character development through fight scenes, varied arc structure and tonality, and thematic depth and breadth (Ohara summed up HxH’s theme as “humanity”). Only things I really dislike are not including the first chapter, some bland minor characters we only see for like a few episodes, and the hiatus.


Yep, you got us. ^_^ Many thanks for the triple upload! However, this ark really better be watched like 46-47, 48-49, 50-51, 52-53. You will see. Not only this 47 episode matters, but future episodes as well.

Killua X

I thought this was interesting as I think she appears tall from the videos. But then again she could've been referring to other features besides height? Idk.

Killua X

I missed it too. Even after watching the show a couple times I still thought after watching this reaction that all Specialist can use every category. Totally forgot about the others...


So happy for this triple upload! Something to enjoy during dinner. :)


Just some clarification one something that is a bit confusing atm but the show assumes you know. There are multiple auctions going on in Yorknew during this period, there's a massive legit auction which is where the copies of Greed Island will be sold, and then there's the underground auction which is the one the Phantom Troupe attacked, so they've not gotten their hands on the merchandise for the legit auction and that's also why Gon and Killua are still trying to make money since that auction is still coming up rather than having been that night.


For fullmetal 34-40 go really well together if you watch them all at once >.>


i hate mega so much

Killua X

I just did the $5 man. I know it sucks but you get like 100 GB or something. Only reason I still hate Mega is that now I'm paying for it and it still buffers like crazy sometimes. Now I just download all the videos instead of streaming them.

Mateo Castillo

I cannot wait until you reach the 🐐 arc. Especially you lmao. Anyways happy holidays!

Diego Zenhäusern

Ah, OK, now it makes more sense...I assumed they were just hoping the merchandise would be refound....but this makes way more sense😅 Thanks for the clarification


I remember watching this in like 17 when they were still dropping eps and I could never predict what came next. This is not a typical show with plot armor lol. It's so good though that I'm willing to wait another 5 years for new content


When we get there you gotta tell me why this one isn't as good

Killua X

I feel so lucky that I just decided to watch it early this year.