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The armored titan took Mike's odm gear before he died

Christopher Rivera

I think Gabi will grow on you, she’s probably my favorite out of the new characters in the manga.


Oh lovely it's Gabi, my favourite character...this is why brain washing kids is a terrible idea


Yeah..you better get used to it; whatever reality Isayama is showing us in his story has happened throughout our history, and it's still happening. AoT season 4 is about to show us some cruel truth about this world


It seem that the battle and war is similiar to WW1 base from their tactic and technology. If you are curious about the soldier life in the trenches. The documentary "they shall not grow old" would be a great insight as it is about showing restored WW1 footage and trying to recreate the sound so you can feel the atnosphere. As for suicide soldier. I dont think it is used in WW1. However In WW2, suicide bomber or "kamikaze" pilot were use at the end of the war as japanese ran out of good pilot and heavily outnumbered so them coming back is highly unlikely due to poor training. so might as well destroyed a ship if they are lucky enough not to get shot. Pretty sure all these pilot willingly doing this as they are highly fanatical as alot of the japanese soldier those days. And of course modern day we got suicide bomber from Isis or al qaeda or what not.


the point is war is terrible; whether people want to blabber something like the "international law" or whatnot, almost nothing is out of the equation when it comes to humans trying to kill one another. There is never a righteous side in any war.

Christopher Rivera

You can’t avoid war without surrendering which I don’t think is a righteous option either, if you care about yourself or others.


Let’s focus on not starting one. Either way, no one ever wins a war, everybody loses.

Christopher Rivera

But there is winning and losing. Not “absolute” winning that didn’t come at some price but by degrees, minimizing losses and saving lives as well as preserving a culture and way of life. To surrender means to risk maximum losses. The losing country might be annexed by the winning country and cease to exist as an independent entity. In the worst cases there is mass deportation or extermination of the losing population, and the former nation and its people and their culture become nothing but history. The winners dictate how that history is told and shape their own future. Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy, in his "Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World": "Two thousand three hundred and forty years ago, a council of Athenian Officers was summoned on the slope of one of the mountains that look over the plain of Marathon, on the eastern coast of Attica. The immediate subject of their meeting was to consider whether they should give battle to an enemy that lay encamped on the shore beneath them; but on the result of their deliberations depended, not merely the fate of two armies, but the whole future progress of human civilization."


There’s a side that loses less, but not a side that wins. Even winning itself destroys economies and depletes a country’s resources. England and France never came back from the losses they suffered from World War II and don’t even get me started on Soviet Union and China who lost 20m+ people each in the war, they all “won”. Unless a country is build upon robbing resources through warfares and selling weapons like the Huns & Vikings from centuries ago, they’ll never win a war.


War is merely one method of negotiation, however, it is the least efficient one. My points are based on avoiding to engage or start a war, it does not mean I prefer surrendering; unless defeat is certain then in that case, it’s best to save as many as you can by giving up rather than complete obliteration by fighting to the death.

Diego Zenhäusern

The fact that there is war just shows that, despite how we like to see ourselves as the pinnacle of evolution, when it comes down to it, humans are just the dumbest creatures that ever walked the earth! No other creature is so obsessed with power for powers sake, that it actually kills other memebres of it's race to the thousands and millions just to obtain a little bit more of it....its just depressing when you think about it for too long :(


Kinda irritating you already seem to know the plot already so this isnt a reaction of new information. Was hoping to watch with you but to avoid spoilers i am just gonna have to wait for the finale so i can come back and rewatch your vids.


I don’t know what you’re referring to, but I haven’t read any manga for this anime. I I honestly do not know what’s going to happen.