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I'm really sorry to hear how the start of this week have been this shitty to you, I do hope that it turns around after today!

Joey Joseph Jojoson

Some cops can be real assholes! Sure, speeding is bad, but there is a nicer way for the cop to handle this instead of threatening you. And pleeease, don't do anything to hurt yourself!! It is never the answer! Talk to someone, talk to your family, people care more than you think! I wish you the best! FOR REAL, DON'T DO IT!!

Joey Joseph Jojoson

Left the last comment before I started watching...so here are some clarification: State Alchemists usually have their "glyphs" drawn on their gloves (Mustang), hands (Kimblee), gauntlets (Armstrong), so it is easier for them to fight. Ed and Al don't need glyphs to use alchemy because they opened the portal. This episode emphasize the blue eye color of the Amestrians. Scar woke up from injury, saw blue eyed doctors and killed them in a fit of rage.


Well, the cop might've been an ass about it, quite frankly unprofessional but at least he let you go so I guess there's the silver lining. This is a weird situation considering how shitty your day was and how you're merely one of the thousands of people every day doing the same thing. Feeling powerless is normal considering how helpless one individual human can be in society, especially when society is a whole damn system of a collective conscious forcing everyone to follow the flow. What I do is I only focus on what I can do, because it's meaningless thinking about everything that I can't do. If I was in that situation I'd just focus on being more mindful when driving from here onward since it's the only positive lesson I can take out of that bad situation, and because it only really takes one bad mistake to lose everything.

Christopher Rivera

Sounds like we share a stoic perspective. Epictetus: "Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control."


Amazing symbolism from this anime. From the scene where Edward protected Winry, Scar realized that Ed, a quote on quote evil state alchemist, and an Amestrian protected his loved ones just like his brother did. While he, a so-called righteous avenger for the Ishvalans and god, acted just like that animal Kimblee. Scar realized that he became the monster he swore to destroy, and just like the base of alchemy transmutations, the cycle of hatred moved in a circle turning Scar from a victim to the perpetrator.


Since you shared that story with the cop I thought I'd share a story of my own that put me in a similar mindset. I wasnt pulled over by any cops in my story though. So I was driving home one day, and I put my address in google maps and it started navigating me somewhere. It started navigating me into some area I couldnt recognize but I didnt question it for some reason. I ended up driving in some private construction area and it was like pitch black midnight. I almost drove into a massive hole in the ground and killed myself and my sister and my dad. I managed to get home that day but I was really mentally scarred. I havent drove since and that day I cut myself all overmy body. I was so angry at myself for being so stupid. Im not really sure if this story helps you at all somehow, but I thought I would share since its kinda similar.

Matthew B

I'm a PO. Going 15 over is not okay and is very dangerous. I know you mentioned a first stop and said that this one was not your first stop. That said, comments about your therapist from the first stop you mentioned is not okay. You can probably easily resolve all this second stop issue with a no contest plea in court and just do online driver education courses. Shit is like 12 hours if I recall, but it is what it is and you will avoid points on your license. We aren't all dicks. But I recognize there definitely are some jerks. Drive safer and I hope you have better encounters with police in the future.

Christopher Rivera

I’ve almost always had fair experiences with police myself. I have been pulled over for speeding when late for work but my perspective was “they’re doing their job and I shouldn’t be speeding.” That said, the officers were friendly and let me go with a warning. I’ve also had a ticket before but I pleaded not guilty and that was it, the officer who gave it wasn’t an asshole about it and he didn’t tow my vehicle even though I had no registration (bro’s car, mine was stolen a few months before). Over two weeks ago my friend saw a 5 year old boy run over by a speeding car just a few feet in front of him. He was blaming himself for reacting too slowly but I just tell him you weren’t the one speeding and no one can blame you for being slower than a car. That and similar stuff on the news does remind me to watch my speed tho it’s something people often do, at least in RI, MA, and CT. Something I’ve been told by a friend’s uncle, former mayor of Cranston, RI - is, when pulled over, to shut off my car and place my key on my lap so that officers are less apprehensive and can relax since they don’t have to worry about me driving off on them.

Christopher Rivera

I hope you’ll see enough progress with your therapist to not feel like harming yourself. I’d recommend the book Feeling Good by David Burns if you haven’t already read it (free audiobook on Audible). It’s about cognitive behavioral therapy, your therapist has possibly gone over this but repetition is always good for learning good habits, it always puts me in a good mood. Some of the exercises are things I’ve done long before reading/listening to it and people usually describe me as confident and resilient. I’ve also given similar advice to friends who were addicted to drugs, suicidal, and/or self-loathing, and they’ve all felt like they were improving themselves, they learned to find healthy relationships, cut off unhealthy ones, abusive family, or gotten their first job. Another resource is Dr Todd Grande, a very competent mental health counselor: https://youtu.be/g7V2o1vbGXA


The keyword in “He’s trying to stay in my blindspot” was “trying”. That’s his ultimate eye, remember? :( @ the self harm. You no do pls 😔

Diego Zenhäusern

hmmm....I don't know....I honestly think wrath can't actually see through the eyepatch. I mean, if he were able to see through the eyepatch, this would also mean, that he could be blinded by the grenade even when he is wearing the eyepatch. So I feel like "trying" just means Ling isn't fast/ experienced enough to actually constanlty stay in wrath's blind spot. But then again I haven't seen the show in a while and I don't know whether we ever get a definitiv answer on wheteher wrath is able to see trhough his eyepatch...


He's not blind on his ouroboros eye. It's just that he wasn't lifting his eyepatch from that eye yet so it "may" be a little obstructed, hence the blindspot. But if he removes the eyepatch, he can fully utilize the powers of his eye. Like kakashi's sharingan. Kakashi can't see through his headband, but if he removes it, he can now use the full power of the Sharingan.