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listen if Armstrong was secretly evil would he take off his shirt every time he meets a new person I think not


This episode reminded us that Alphonse is still much of a child despite his big body, imagine taking suggestions from a lunatic serial killer and doubt your own family


Well technically speaking Edward is never required to fight, everything he did was his own choice. He's not a combat alchemist like Colonel Mustang or Major Armstrong. Maybe Winry was at fault for the faulty equipment but Ed was also being very reckless


Eh. I don’t agree. I do think that sometimes, like this last episode he does put himself in danger, but I don’t think that’s the case all the time. I mean take scar for example. He didn’t go looking for a fight. Scar found and attacked him. I think a normal reaction is to fight back and if he’s going to be doing that often, he should have a stronger arm that can withstand that combat.


don't worry about your appearance, you don't need to dress up like a Barbie doll to look good - half of us is sitting in homeoffice by now, so if you don't look like you just finished digging through a garbage container, you're fitting the dresscode :P I know you find Winry's attitude annoying sometimes, but even if what they're doing is important, the Elric brothers sometimes go about it recklessly & keeping everything between the 2 of them, so I guess she stepped in as kind-of a mother maybe & sets their heads straight every now & then. I personally think people need someone who calls them out on the flaws they don't want to face, especially ones as gifted as Ed & Al.


I mean, of course it's childish to take everything a stranger (especially an enemy) says at face value, without any evidence to back it up...but it would be interesting to know if something like that (creating an artifical intelligence with fake memories & binding it to a body) would be theoretically possible in the FMA-world...I mean, Al is obviously capable of Transmutation, which we haven't seen any animals or even chimeras do so far, so it would at least be a clue that he's "real"...and even if their "soul" is really just a thinking collection of data & memories that would have the same capabilities, no matter if real or artificial: it still would sound way harder to me to make a life's worth of memories & impressions up from scratch (from someone else's perspective) than binding an existing one to a body.