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Yes! It’s been so long 🙂 Alphonse seal is like around the collar of his armor. So I he could move without the head. And I think one of the main reasons Al can always beat Ed is that not only is he doesn’t physically tire. So he has a huge physical advantage over normal people.


On the topic of major armstrong, I think it's safest to not say anything and let you decide on your own. And as for Envy, pretty sure his/her character is made to be androgynous


On the topic of Ed's arm: I guess you missed an after credit scene where Winry finds a bolt and a nut which she forgot to put on Ed's arm. So the problem with Ed's arm wasn't the material. Winry didn't assembled Ed's arm completely because of all of those all nighters.


Armstrongs a cutie he would never do something against them

Theloneous Washington

Another great reaction. Hope your feeling better. And yeah there are after credit scenes for episodes 6, 8, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49.


I did miss that!! But I also think the material being weaker is a problem. That just isn’t smart for someone who is constantly fighting.


Appreciate you being open and honest about your life here, I have a little experience in that situation in the past as well. I got out of it and I hope you will find your way one day too


The guy recalling how much fun he had in the Ishval War of Extermination wasn't Issac from the first episode, his name is Kimblee and we saw him briefly in the flashbacks of the war earlier

Davone Kissee

Man I kinda wish you were watching the original anime alongside these. Regardless of whether you react to it or not you should check it out afterwards

Diego Zenhäusern

We also saw Kimblee when Issac "visited" him in prison in the first episode and asked him, whether he'd help him beat Bradley. And there Kimblee also said that he'd killed people in the war because he liked it and not just because he was ordered to (after hearing this, Issac decided not to break him out of prison).


First of all: I'm sorry for Chris' (& your) loss, hope you guys are somehow doing ok. :( If he's in a well-equipped hospital & the doctors know everything of importance about his medical record, they should know best what kind of therapy he needs; e.g. ventilators may be a first idea when he's got trouble breathing, but they can also have long-term effects on the lungs & if it's caused by COV-19, it could also be counter-productive since it's suspected by some to cause blood-clots in the lungs, which would mean that the problem isn't the oxygen intake, but the transport FROM the lungs. On your parents' behaviour: you're their child, not their property, so mutual respect can be expected & if they treat you poorly, they can't expect you to be all "sunshine&rainbows" to them...hope you soon find a place of your own to stay & get out of that shithole...

Raul Iggynashow

Sorry for the late comment but I wanted to share a story I will never forget. An old man was imprisoned for shooting and killing a kid for walking on his lawn. The old man who meticulously took care of his lawn daily felt his lawn was like a child to him. The boy was difiling his lawn by walking on it, almost felt like his daughter was getting raped. It was the old man's severe OCD at work, that's only why he felt the lawn was like his child. One of the biggest fights I ever got with my mom was over her 20 year old car. That car was only worth $500 after it was sold to a junk yard but my mom wanted to pay $2000 to fix that 20 year old car's transmission. Makes absolutely no damn sense. Because of her severe OCD my mom felt that car was like one of her kids. Anyway when I heard you say you don't care if your cat gave you AIDS you would still keep it that's not normal thinking and it's only your severe OCD that's making you feel like your cat is like your baby. I thought you should hear this so you don't burn any other bridges like you said you did with an uncle. It's only severe OCD that makes someone ultra possessive about something and treating a lawn or a car or a cat like it were one of their kids which they are not because none of those things are another human being.