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I’ve been binge watching attack on titan again with my brother and it’s been super fun, but also very distracting lol. It’s his first watch and he loves it. It’s so fun watching his reactions!! I know how you guys feel now when you watch my videos lol. Btw, does anyone know if this is the GOHS season finale or if there is still one more episode? Also, does anyone know when season 4 of AOT comes out?



Big time, that's exactly how we feel watching you lol. Season 4 of AOT's release date has not been officially announced, but the logical assumption is around winter 2020 to spring 2021. I can't wait to see everyone's adult self in the new season especially Eren

Peacefinder Simply

there is 13 episodes of GOHS. Next weeks is last. S4 AOT has been delayed and there is no clear release date yet.

Raul Iggynashow

Why don't you post your S3 AOT reactions onto YouTube like one per week. I don't think they are on the Google drive and you have to be a Patreon to see it. That should get you some views now that your subscribers have passed 30k. I bet about 75% of your subscribers like me were not here yet when you did AOT and haven't seen your reactions to it yet.


Confirmed. December 17th, Attack on Titan, the final season.