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It came back positive for COVID. I think I’m going to be okay though. I already feel a bit better. I’m supposed to do another televisit with the doctor this afternoon to go over the next steps. I’ll let you guys know when I find out more.



Oh no! Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon 💕


Glad you're feeling better already! Keep resting. :)


Hope u get better stay safe <3


Stay safe!!


ah shit. take care I'm sure you'll be alright


Get all the rest you need. Hope you feel better soon!


Take care of yourself and BTW 5 of my family they were positive for COVID. I and my sister did our best to help them and 14 days everyone got cleared from COVID. So please stay optimistic and eat good food and everything will be Gucci. We will support and pray for you. Sorry for mistakes, English is not my first language.

Lich King

be strong and rest, i wish you'll get better soon!


Take as much time as you need we'll still be here when you get back just remember you gotta take care of yourself first.


Hope you get better!


Omg keep maximum care hope you emerge a ok


keep calm, get enough sleep & stay warm; see you soon! :)

Matthew B

I had it too. It sucked. Youre young though and will probably be just fine. I hope you will get well soon.

Bilal Rajput

having a positve test result dosent actually mean that you have covid. These Tests are extremely inaccurate so dont worry about it just chill at home and relax

Davone Kissee

We love you, get better soon!