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Kira:"man I could really go for a banana right now" Mikami:"god most likely wants a banana right now"


I think lights plan for a perfect world has always been. First evil means killers and rapists. Then people who stole or did other violent crimes and as they run out of those then anybody who isn’t productive to society would be considered evil. He was only surprised that mikami was moving on to lazy people so soon. But I could’ve also misread.


I feel where your comming from SOOOOO much!!! I honestly experience the same exact thing where you feel like your the only one reaching out to your friends to the point where you actually start to feel like your disturbing them or being annoying! if people want to hang out with you, they will. no one is busy 24/7. i just have not found the right friend group yet. hopefully we both find ours soon. i feel you !

Diego Zenhäusern

Yeah, I'd agree with your interpretation, since Light says in this episede "No, it's to early" as a reaction to Takada anouncing this on TV. Man I had already forgotten how far he was willing to go...I personally think this is really the point where you can't defend Kiras opinions anymore.


I guess Mikami (& with even his mother discouraging his strong sense of justice out of worry, because it makes him a target for bullys) considers everyone who doesn't actively spread "good" to be evil...kinda "guilty through failure to provide assistance", but applied to everything and everyone across the board - amplified through the trauma of loosing his mother. I had exactly the same situation in my life a few years ago. I NEVER drank a drop of alcohol in my life to the point classmates almost "bullied" me over it, never tried drugs (don't judge people, simply never felt like it for family reasons), feeling like I almost dragged my friends out against their will, thinking I wasn't "cool" or "interesting" enough for them, went to several therapists because of the depression, fearing I would always be an outsider without ever feeling like i belong there... But if it helps in any way to hear that: at some point, it simply got better at one point; all it took was finding 1, 2 people I met some day that I felt close to, so I could get a bit more confident because I felt like, even if not everyone liked me, there was 1 or 2 people who wouldn't simply vanish from one day to the next. Now I got friends I regularly hang out with on game night/anime watching, who don't mind my drinking aversion & are comfortable with getting high even if I don't. Don't think it will be like that forever, it won't be! If people pressure you to much about drinking and/or drugs, I bet it's either a) simply not a good fit when you're yourself & they hope it gets you to "loosen up" (=act in a way you're not comfortable with normally) or b) they have insecurity issues & need everyone around them to follow their example, because they need the confirmation that everyone wants to do what they do (get drunk/high...) because they're "cool". Share with us what you're comfortable with; we don't judge, but we also don't demand that you tell us everything :) You come across as a really nice person, so eventually you'll find the right matches once you meet enough people...don't give up on frienships, otherwise the others might miss out on you! ;)


You probably won't see this but its a good thing you separated yourself from that group of people. Especially after the guy was being a dick openly in front of everyone and no-one came to your defense. At the end of the day f*ck em, it sucks but its best to have no friends rather than fake friends. At the end of day you keep being yourself and the right people will gravitate towards you. Hope everything continues to go well for you.