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lol imagine if Subaru lives his entire life out, finally resting in peace at the end, and then suddenly he's back to a starting point for when he's young


Just a small thing that seems to be forgotten is that Subaru talking about his curse didn't kill him, it hurt him like his heart was being squeezed. The time he did push through that pain and told Emilia, she was the one who died, not Subaru. So that's the reason why he doesn't tell anyone anymore. He was worried that he'd kill Echidna if he told her.


found this comment on youtube and it makes a lot of sense "Ok to explain the lover part: This is Ryuzu making a joke and not meant to be taken literally. Garf sees Ryuzu as his grandma, the implication of the joke is that Garf would be angry to see Ryuuzu (Garfield's "relative") talking to Subaru (Ryuzuu's "lover"). She later makes another similar joke where she says Subaru could use her as his hugging pillow. Her character is kinda like that, but that line definitely did not seem as a joke hah.'


I love how we see in the episode, Subaru is basically ready to die; it's like he's saying his goodbyes (letter to Emilia, talk with Petra and Frederica) before essentially committing suicide. We saw that he basically made his resolve back in episode 9 at the tea party, to use Return by Death to the fullest (and man did his face look just a little menacing when he made that resolve). I've been waiting to see this part of Subaru's development for the longest; can't wait to see how this'll play out.


put this into perspective.. in the LN its said that Gaarf would give Roswaal trouble in a fight.. yet here she insta killed him. I don't think we wanna see her full power lol


btw the anime cut this out but when he pulled the robe off Satella he realized that Gaarf lied to him about Emilia getting swallowed up. Instead her body was overtaken by Satella.. If she were really swallowed up Subaru would've been to since they were next to each other and every time Subaru has always finished the trial and woken up before her.


Ah so that’s why when he sees her he’s shaking. Yes that does make more sense if that’s true because in season one they were trying to get her body so satella could possess it. But if that’s true, then satella could posses Emilia at any time. Why go through all this trouble that they went though in season one with the cult trying to capture her?

Peacefinder Simply

Interesting how you call Garfiel ignorant, when we barely know anything about this place and him either. The only difference is subaru has the ability to learn and make mistakes while garfiel has only 1 try. Of course its easy to jump the gun, he doesn't seem that smart either, but not stupid either so he does make sense to me. The witch of envy is such a strongly hated thing is this world and nothing ever been known to be good about the witch of envy in the slightest so him not questioning but observing makes perfect sense. He scared of something going wrong, the viewers(us) has this sense of can try over and over but not the case from his view. He doesn't want to take any chances with anything related to this witch.


Insomnia sucks. I can only get 3-4 hours of sleep a night then i have to fight to stay productive and as active as i can while im at the office. You'd think i could just pass out after work but after 3-4 hours of sleep no matter what i do i cant sleep.


I don't think Subaru ever saw his future btw