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I have a huge cold sore on the side of my face right now. I get them on my cheekbone instead of my lip for some reason and it’s brought out by stress or an extremely high fever. I think I have been stressing too much, so that is probably what brought it out. Anyway, it is very severe right now. It is extremely close to my eye and I am afraid if it spreading. Most of the right side of my face is swollen by this. I just think recording (a huge source of stress for me because of OCD) is a bad idea. I will try, but it just may not happen. I feel so bad about this because I know I didn’t upload yesterday either. If I can make it up to you some way I will try. Maybe do a double upload? I would post a picture, but I don’t want to gross anyone out. I hope to be better as soon as tomorrow if the swelling goes down. I love all of you so much, honestly. You guys mean the world to me. Stay safe, and I’ll see you guys soon. ❤️



do what is best for you take a few days off or even a week. I wont go no where


No worries! Nobody is pressuring you! only you are pressuring yourself :(

Diego Zenhäusern

Oh man, this sounds bad :( Definitely take all the time you need until it gets better (be it a day or two or even a week), before even trying to record! And don't let yourself be stressed out by thinking you'll have to make it up to us, cause you don't! Life happens and if you can't record you can't record, it doesn't mean you have to do double uploads or something like that. We're your patreons because we like you and so we don't want you to be sick or feel bad or stressed out because of us! And so I think I speak for most people here when I say that we'd gladly do without episodes for a few days in order for you to get better!!


Please don't stress over a difficult upload schedule. Stress can trigger OCD so u might just make it worse overall. Maybe take a cupple days off :)


First of all: don't feel guilty if you have to take it slow for your health's sake! As long as you stay healthy (mentally & physically), you can always come back & do a new upload another day, no need to wreck your nerves just to crank your videos out faster, that's the last thing we want you to do! Just take a few days off, do stuff with friends, play with Loki & relax & when you feel like it - get going again. Don't feel like you have to meet some deadline or something, take care!


Ah don’t worry about it just rest up

m dunt

worth knowing we arent subscribers expecting things on the dot. patreon is a support platform not a subscrition service. thanks for letting us know but i wouldn't feel guilty about it. I agree with you no need to show swollen anything take all the time you need :)


Don't worry! Hope you feel better man


I just wanna let you know that its always ok if you need a couple days girl you don't even have to apologize. Like life is already hard enough without recording daily want the best for you!