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Double upload today! You rock!

Diego Zenhäusern

Kudos to you for realizing Ed sacrificed his arm to save Al before they explicitly show it...I certainly wasn't so quick on the uptake the first time I watched this! Also: Is it only on the recording that the subtitles vanish sometimes or does this happen in the actual video too?


About the questions they leave open, like in the intro what human transmutation is: With this show you should assume they answer all the relevant questions at some point, because it is very well written :)


Their home town where their own home and Winry's house is, is Resembool. I think they didn't say it but it was written there a few times


Pretty cool how Winry refused to shake Riza's hand at first but after she explained why she became a soldier, Winry offered her to shake hands


I don't know about King Bradley. He actually seems kinda cool. I like his jokes and it was also sympathetic how he talked about telling his son that he met the Fullmetal Alchemist. We should probably wait until they tell us more about the war and what Bradley apparently made them do there before judging him.


that's gonna take a while before they give us that backstory, cant wait.


Ah been a while since I saw that nasty guy Truth, I'm already getting all kinds of PTSD


I had it playing on Hulu with the display cap on for a bit, but realized it was too much for my computer and it came out as a black screen so I took it off about Halfway through and just had the audio playing. So that’s why I have it on sometimes and sometimes not. I tried to keep it in there for the first half instead of covering it up though. I just didn’t have it on for the second half of my video. For some reason Funimation is the only website (with English dub with subtitles) that doesn’t blackout their content. But their subtitles are messed up right now. They jump all over the screen or get cut off on the bottom. It’s weird and they haven’t fixed it yet. Once they do this whole situation will be like code geass.


quick side comment: cute way of checking for lagging :P anyway that episode pretty much sums up Elrics motivation; now he's not only driven by the loss of his mother, but also by the guilt of having his brother's body taken & almost having killed him... what's curious about their failed attempt at resurrecting their mother is that, even if it failed & they couldn't bring their mother back, they created SOMETHING in the attempt, even if it was a wreck, so makes one wonder how close they actually were to their goal & what they would need to close the gap...