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A quote from the very first episode: "The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed"


Also what I didn't realize until now is the symbolism behind the name "damocles" : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damocles I recommend reading the whole thing to fully get it


Zero Requiem, the greatest writing in anime history. Lelouch made himself the target to unite humanity in order to destroy him, but then it doesn’t end there as there will only be other power hungry people trying to destroy the world. So he had Suzaku kill him as Zero and became the symbol of peace and justice to order to serve as a beacon of hope for the good people and intimidation for people with ill intent. With Suzaku’s unrivalled strength together with Schneizel’s help, they can assure peace and prosperity for decades if not a century until Suzaku and Schneizel dies. Absolutely genius.

Raul Iggynashow

Tamaki became a bartender. LOL Tamaki was great comic relief.

Raul Iggynashow

Suzaku became a symbol for justice, something he wanted from the very beginning to atone for killing his father.

Raul Iggynashow

"The only ones who should kill are those that are prepared to be killed." - Lelouch from Season 1 Episode 1. Talk about foreshadowing the series finale. WOW

Raul Iggynashow

Remember when Lelouch asked Kaguya what it takes to rule the world. Lelouch's answer was the will to destroy, destroy the world and even oneself. Foreshadowing of the Zero Requiem. Lelouch destroyed the world and created it anew.

Raul Iggynashow

I don't see Nunnally or Xing-Ke in the wedding pic. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/codegeass/images/e/ee/Wedding_Group_Photo.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20090806205426


Lelouch purposedly treated everyone who is related to this such as Llyod, Cecile, even his own sister Nunally like garbage publically so that they won't get punished and targetted after his death.


Suzaku is a tragic character of code geass. Think about it, he wants to die in order to atone for his guilt, and yet the cursed power of geass prevents him from ever dying. And now he even killed his own best friend and has to live the rest of his life pretending to be the savior of the world, I cannot even imagine how painful that is.

Raul Iggynashow

What a big spoiler thumbnail for the series finale. How can you not see Zero and Emperor Lelouch in the same shot when you click to play the episode?

Raul Iggynashow

You want the Japanese lyrics to the intro song? The Japanese lyrics would be listed in Japanese characters and you wouldn't be able to read it. LOL

Raul Iggynashow

Notice in the intro Charles and Schniezel are shown in the same red and blue dark light signifying they are the same but Lelouch is shown in a white light signifying he is different and the light of the world.


One of my favorite bits of this episode is that Nunnally essentially had the same plan that Lelouch did, and it was that fact that convinced Lelouch that Nunnally would be alright without him.


Also, major props for Johnny Yong Bosch's performance this episode. Holy shit, every bit of Lelouch in this episode is fucking amazing. The villain declaring his victory, and the satisfied dreamer who's dying to create a better world.


Oh, and one of my favorite things that I realized about Lelouch's final scene: it's a perfect mirror for Euphemia's final scene. The whole country cheering the name of Zero, who killed the evil murderer, while the person who loved the target and knew the truth cries over their body. I like to think it's his final atonement to Euphemia, as well as the world.


As for "is Lelouch dead"... that's something that's been debated for a long time, and the main reason for the debate is the final scene in the cart, as people debate whether she's talking to Lelouch as the driver, Lelouch in C's world, or just metaphorically/in rememberance. Although deliberately left ambiguous, the alternate-universe sequel movie has a separate subtitle. The main series' subtitle is "Lelouch of the Rebellion", and the sequel movie's subtitle is "Lelouch of the Resurrection". That should be a bit of a hint :P Personally, I think the official writers and staff of the Code Geass studio made their position clear with the series recap OVAs they released on DVD a year after the series; said OVAs cut out the cart scene, and end with C.C. giving narration over the end credits where she specifically says Lelouch dies. Also on a personal level, while being more sad(especially for C.C.), I think the ending is more satisfying if Lelouch actually dies. I personally think he would prefer his death there, as a way of atoning for the multitude of sins he committed over the course of the series. I would especially hate it if he intended to die, and couldn't, because immortality had been forced on him by taking Charles' Code. (That's part of the "Lelouch lives" theory; that he intentionally or unintentionally took Charles's Code when defeating him back in Episode 21. The reason for the theory is that Charles's Code is on his hand, and it's in direct contact with Lelouch when Charles dies. Additionally, his hand starts disintegrating/disappearing separately from the rest of his body when he dies. That doesn't happen to Marianne.). It would just feel like the universe making sure to get one last kick in the balls in on him. "Oh, you intend to die for atonement, eh? We'll see about that!". At least he'd get to live with C.C. forever, though :P I do like C.C. not holding a grudge against him, though, since he technically didn't fulfill his contract with her. Her didn't give her death; he gave her life. He showed her what it was like to live again, to feel again, to be human again. Somehow, even after he's gone, I don't think she begrudges him that.


There is a movie that follow up the end of code geass r2, called Code Geass: Lelouch of the ????????(search by yourself. I don’t wanna be spoiler)

Davone Kissee

I'm so glad you finally finished! Lelouch couldn't go without being next to his sister in the end. She doesn't see images that was just for illustration purposes. She can read hearts due to her heightened senses from being blind. Lelouch and Suzaku know this, that's why Suzaku never lets her touch him when he's trying to lie to her, and thats why Lelouch designed his float with a ramp and put her at the foot of it. I highly recommend watching the picture dramas at least for a bonus video, might make some small things come together. Let me know if you need copies.


delete this comment, the title is spoiler. Call it code geass fukkatsu no Lelouch if you must

Raul Iggynashow

Things you may have missed. 1. Kallen's mother was let out of prison. 2. Orangeboy was picking oranges. LOL


Please call it code geass fukkatsu no lelouch if you must, it's better if one goes into that movie without getting spoiled by the title.

Raul Iggynashow

Whoever said the outro didn't contain any spoilers was an idiot. In the outro all the characters drawn with angel wings died in the series. In the case of Nunnally the show wanted you to believe she died. So yeah knowing who will die by looking at the outro is a huge spoiler.

Raul Iggynashow

Seeing Nina's ass in jail, talk about fan service from Code Geass. Hahahaha


So there are a few things after Lelouch's death: Ohgi became the PM of Japan, Nunnally became the 100th Empress of the Holy Britannian Empire with Suzaku being her personel bodyguard. Jeremiah undid the Emperor's Geass on Anya. From that moment Anya became his sidekick. If I remember correctly there was a brief time Jeremiah was imprisoned because he served Lelouch but since the Leaders of the Black Knights realised what Zero Requiem is, they pulled some strings for his release.

Raul Iggynashow

Now we know why Lelouch didn't respond to Kallen's kiss. When you're planning to sacrifice yourself there's no room for romance.


There were some Audio Episodes (English dubbed of course) and Picture Dramas with english subs. They really expand the universe of Code Geass. My favourite out of those Picture Dramas is Kiseki no Birthday, which is basically a side story set in Ashford Academy with Lelouch and his friends with a really emotinal ending. And Nunnally in Wonderland is really fun.

Raul Iggynashow

One of the things that makes the ending epic is that it's subject to your interpretation. The 2 main interpretations are: 1. If you think Lelouch sacrificed himself then you saw Lelouch changing in the end. 2. If you think Lelouch died but got the code and became immortal, you see Lelouch as having remained the same from beginning to end. Lelouch didn't change cuz like Lil Lex said Lelouch would never sacrifice himself.


Honestly I didn’t even really look at it. I was trying to ignore it and also trying not to focus on OCD so no worries.

Raul Iggynashow

Why some people think Lelouch took a code (Charles or C2's) and became immortal. 1. Charles had the red Geass symbol on his palm. If we look at Lelouch's palm we can't see if there's a red Geass symbol because his palm is covered in blood. Muah hahaha. 2. When Nunnally touched Lelouch she saw his memories because he had the code. Like when Lelouch or Suzaku touched C2 they saw her memories. 3. They didn't show the cart driver's face. C2 could have literally been talking to Lelouch who was driving the cart. Plus when C2 said the power of the king condems you to a life of solitude but that's not quite correct meaning if Lelouch had taken the code she and him could live together and neither be alone. 4. Lelouch has been tricking people throughout the series. This time by taking the code, Lelouch tricked the entire world.


I disagree with that. It doesn't make sense because if you take code you lose Geass. But Lelouch still had Geass way after Charles' death.


Im so Pissed at that thumbnail for the final episode. like for real.


Don’t worry. I didn’t even look at it. I read the title but didn’t really pay attention to the thumbnail


I don't know if anyone asked before but do you plan to react to the new Movie?


It was perfect. It looked so cruel in the first moment but then everything became clear


Xing-Ke dies of tuberculosis shortly after the Zero Requiem


So the most accepted theory that seems to be correct is that Lelouch acquired Charles’ code which allowed him to leak memories through touch to Nunnally but lost his immortality when he died as punishment for using geass on God. C.C. was in the church praying to God to spare him, but came to a deal that he would live on in C’s world which is how C.C is communicating with him in the end, like she did with Marianne.


Also, the three recap movies that lead to the newest movie are skippable. They have small changes (One big one actually), but you can look them up as well, which is what I did because I don’t think they’re available in english dub like the newest movie is.

Raul Iggynashow

@Lil Lex please react to the 2019 movie. If you watch the movie you can fan girl over seeing your favorite characters in new outfits. Hehehehe. New movie reaction = reacting to new outfits.


Yeah...the creators i think left the ending too ambiguous but it also worked in its own way. However, theres just too much we dont know in order to determine whether or not lelouch is alive. For example, we dont know the conditions of how the code is transferred aside from "killing" them. When we saw C.C. flashback, she was covered in blood as well as the nun. We're not sure wtf happened in that moment. Did the nun attack her in an attempt for C.C to defend herself? Do they have to physically kill the person (ie shooting them, stabbing them). Charles took V.V. code and we werent sure how he did that since V.V. didnt die instantly and was able to hang out for a bit. So the conditions were unclear of how the code is really transferred. Also, when you remember Charles tried to take C.C's code, he was donig some weird dance move with her and they started shining. Idk if that was the process for code transfer or perhaps theres multiple methods of transferring. Next is that Lelouch didnt kill Charles himself and instead requested God to do so instead. Idk if that counts as Lelouch's kill or not. So in the end, it really is unclear whether or not Lelouch got the code from Charles. C.C. could be speaking to Lelouch in the C's world somehow although I don't know if she could do that with someone that is dead like marianne wasnt actually dead and was simply in hiding. I think the creators did confirm Lelouch's death, not sure of authenticity but you can look it up. Overall, the movies are still worth a watch cuz they a different plot line and why not. After 10 years, I was hyped to see these old characters live on the movie screen. Even if the story didnt rly apply, it did leave sense of closure. Not that the old end was bad in any way but for those that watched the movie understood what i mean xD.


The ones that were in on the Zero Requiem were Suzaku, C.C, Jeremiah, Lloyd, Cecile, Sayoko, and Nina. Lelouch treated Lloyd, Cecile, Sayoko and Nina badly publicly so that when he dies, they won't be punished by the world for working with him. Great reaction to a great show

Raul Iggynashow

@Lil Lex. Now that you've seen the finale you can watch how others reacted to Code Geass. Here is a fun compilation of 10 YouTubers reacting to the finale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w5HUMDydLc


I didn't want to start a arguement about Lelouch's death on Patreon because I don't think this is a good place for a long debate. But you summed up my thoughts very well without provoking anyone to start a whole debate so thank you. :D

Raul Iggynashow

If Lelouch and C2 did both have codes they don't necessarily have to live forever until they pass the codes onto other people. Now there is a nuke that can kill both of them by vaporizing every cell in their bodies. An immortal C2 & Lelouch have the option to commit suicide via FLIEJA.


Nah that doesn't work. V.V.'s Geass Order subordinates once said "Remember, Director V.V. cannot be killed. He can always use the Twilight Gate on the lowest level". So I am guessing that if the body is too damaged to be directly restored they just reappear at one of these gates


Not from my research. Swan also said "I do remember them saying the theory about Lelouch faking his death and left with C.C is disrespectful towards his legacy and the Zero Requiem". I have seen similar things from the makers of the show and the most accepted opinion in the community is that he is indeed dead


It's sad, but Lelouche's plan was the only way to end the war I can think of that wouldn't create new conflicts in it's wake...if there had been any real surviving "loosers" in the war (read: willing supporters of Lelouch) they would probably have wanted to retalliate, starting the cycle of hate anew. Having the Geass-user be the BBEG is the only way he can be in charge without any voluntary supporters & noone can really blame the surviving opposition because they KNOW he was able to mind-control people


I am not sure if I'm too late for you to see this comment but I would enjoy your reaction to this very vell edited video about Lelouch very much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x8x7EbYatM It's japanese but if you turn on CC there are English subtitles.

Reuben Filimaua

Reason people theorize if Lelouch was still alive is because of what happened when Nunnally apparently saw Lelouch's memories when she touched him. Last time that happened was when Lelouch saw C.C's memories when he touched her. It seems that only happens with people who are code bearers who not only grant people the power of Geass but code bearers are immortal. So it suggests that Lelouch may be a code bearer, but that's just theories tho. When creating the story, the creator always intended to end it with the protagonist dying so this end goal was always in mind.. I guess it was getting to that point is what was made up as the show went on. Code Geass is an anime original show, there wasn't a manga or LN as a source material so that's quite impressive.


My personal theory is that Lelouch became part of the collective unconscious from Cs' World. Meaning that he is actually dead.


Just so you know, I've watched the movies and honestly unless you plan on watching the movie Lelouch of the Re;surrection which is essentially the sequel to R2 but with the alternate canon of the movies, the movies are not really worth watching. The pacing is pretty bad and they cut a lot of stuff out. There are a few new scenes and reanimated or altered ones which are nice, but it's not really worth it overall. The only thing you really need to know if you watch Lelouch of the Re;surrection is that Shirley is alive and was never shot by Rolo in this new canon, but they also took away her entire character arc which really sucks but it is what it is.


Nunnally may or may not have actually seen those final memories; I think that was meant to be a representation of her ability to sense intentions when she's holding someone's hand (we've seen this throughout the series).

Diego Zenhäusern

17:41 This timing: "Someone needs to assassinate Lelouche!" 5 seconds later Suzaku shows up to assassinate him xD

Diego Zenhäusern

Lol, I just realized, that Lelouche basically answered his question to Guilford. The way to fight evil is: commit evil to destroy creater evil and then get rid of yourself to get rid of the remaining evil xD


please watch the movie that takes place after the show, thank you .