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Surprise! I decided to do code geass today instead of god of high school! I’m pushing that to the end of the week. I wanted to finish code geass and seven deadly sins first before starting a new show!




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yo back to back what the fuck


I've never clicked faster

Waffles ^.^

cant watch full on mega -_-


Shame. I agree with Cornelia, Schneizel would've made an excellent ruler if this world wasn't so messed up. He has all the attributes needed to be a far better emperor than Charles. Sadly this frustrating and violent reality twisted his mind and pushed him to become an extremist chasing for a Utopia that doesn't exist.


Wow didn't expect this. First off, I think Diethard is a character that wanted destruction. He supported Zero because Zero was planning to destroy the Britannian Empire. Now he is supporting Schneizel because he wants to destroy the world.


I'm not certain myself. But I think he really is just a fanatic who wants to witness and be that person to record the history of the world completely changed by someone since he's incapable of doing it himself.


Yes! Awesome. I didn't know if i could wait till Friday.


I think Lelouch's can just use his geass on a larger scale now that he has it on two eyes. The hostages were in the Avalon which is the ship Lelouch, Sayoko, Llloyd, Nina and Cecile were on. When it comes to the end justifies the means debate, I think it depends on the situation. If the end result of an action is so great and so impactful in a good way to a lot of people then maybe the ends justify the means. Anyways, great reaction as always. Can't believe we have reached the end


Pretty sure Lelouch didn't predict everything Schneizel was gonna say Schneizel coulda said a ton of different things and the recording woulda still seemed like he was having a legit conversation and he cut him off once so the pauses weren't perfect but enough for a convincing distraction


Hah! Couldn't resist once the finale kicked up, eh? Awesome.

Waffles ^.^

can't wait for finale!!


Interesting point. But I think it needs to be balanced out. If means can be justified completely because the end result is so great then it means Schneizel’s ideals is correct.


Oh my god you really improved my day with this surprise, thank you!


Yeah and he kinda changed topics a few times meaning that Schneizel could have said whatever and Lelouch didn't react to it directly. It's cool how it is so obvious it is a recording if you already know


Wow, wow! I wasn't expected this kind of surprise! So cool! ^^

Raul Iggynashow

Lil Lex if you're watching Dark why don't you record your reactions to it? I along with many others are interested in seeing your reaction to that.

Raul Iggynashow

Having Schniezel fire the nukes at Lelouch's army, these soldiers literally signed up to go war, is killing less people then Schniezel winning and firing his nukes at major cities around the world potentially killing billions.


well, if being put in front of the emperror & being geassed to obey the emperror counts as "signing up"...