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Raul Iggynashow

When Suzaku was stepping on his head maybe Lelouch thought it couldn't get any worse. But after episodes 18 & 19 it got a lot worse to where Lelouch just wanted to die.

Raul Iggynashow

Episode 19 felt to me like it could have been the ending for Code Geass and it would have been a good one. But there are 6 episodes left.


Sucks you got spoiled on some the details


Stay out of the comments because Episode 20-25 is what makes this anime so special.


He hated Rollo. He lied to him once again so Rollo could die in peace. That's why he called himself "nothing but a big liar"


And now, Lelouch has lost the Black Knights, as well as Rolo, which surprised both him and the audience. I have to admit I was very much looking forward to your reaction to this; peoples' final feelings about Rolo vary wildly, since he did kill Shirley and planned to kill Nunnally, but at the same time, he went out in blaze of loyalty worthy of Jeremiah himself. I quite liked him at the end, and I was wondering if you would, as well. Plus, I absolutely love Lelouch acknowledging him as his brother even AFTER he died(so he no longer would have to keep the "mask" up, if that's what it was, meaning he truly did acknowledge him as a brother), and includes Rolo on the list of people he's lost to reach this point.


We the audience know that everything Schniezel said was true but the black knights should not have been so quick to believe their mortal enemy. There is no real proof that the things he's saying are true. Even the recording about Euphy could have easily been staged. Also, without Zero, most of the black knights would have been dead by episode 3. Now they are in control of the UFN which is essentially half of the world all because of Zero. Their lives are much better now than they would have been so I can't really say I feel sorry for them. And if they think that Lelouch is forcing them to follow him with his geass then they shouldn't be able to betray him


No he didn’t. He was neutral with him. He respected him, but didn’t love him as a brother.


Well said. It may not be fair but a leader must keep himself together and act for the sake of the group as a whole, everyone is looking up to that person to make the calls and lead by example, that's the true burden of a leader.


Also, this episode gave a lot of people hate for Ohgi and Villetta. Both for betraying Lelouch, AND for betraying the other members of the United Federation of Nations. Though they were shocked, most of the Black Knights weren't quite willing to believe Schneizel, since he IS the manipulative Prime Minister of the Empire. He has a reputation of conniving and scheming. In fact, he IS lying to the Black Knights; you yourself pointed out that they clipped the conversation with Lelouch admitting he Geassed Euphie, while conveniently leaving out the part where Suzaku knows Lelouch is lying, and that Euphie was not intended. The reason they suddenly believe their biggest enemy is because of Ohgi's testimony; or rather, Villetta's testimony. Villetta Nu, the first person Lelouch ever Geassed besides the squad that was going to kill him. Villetta Nu, a woman who is proud member of the purist faction, and who willingly took part in the slaughter of Shinjuku Ghetto. Funny how Villetta conveniently leaves out the fact that, a year before, she was happily killing innocent civilians along with the rest of the Brittannian army. Admittedly, Jeremiah did as well, but we at least got an explanation and a demonstrated genuine change of heart from him - he thought that the Japanese slaughtered Lelouch and Nunnally when the war started, and held them responsible for losing the last link he had to Marianne. He jumped ship immediately when he realized Lelouch and Nunnally were still alive. Besides her falling in love with Ohgi, we never really got that for Villetta. So the Black Knights believe the scheming prince because Ohgi says so, and Ohgi says so because his girlfriend says so. (It's not like Villetta has any proof that she was controlled by Geass.) As for what I mean about betraying the other members of the UFN, keep in mind that, while the battleground is currently in Japan, the Black Knights are NOT a Japanese army anymore. They are contracted mercenaries that represent and act as the military force of the United Federation of Nations - that is, they represent ALL the member nations. Ohgi is a commanding leader of that force, and therefore a high representative of the UFN. And yet, when he makes his exchange demand for Zero, he doesn't request something on behalf of the UFN. He requests JAPAN'S freedom. The Japanese still represent a large part of the Black Knights; if Britannia acknowledges Japan's independence, and backs off on hostilities with Japan, how many of the Japanese are going to want to continue fighting? All of the other member nations of the UFN get fucked. They lose a big part of the mercenary force intended to defend them, AFTER many of their own people died in defense of Japan. That said, with his mental breakdown these last couple episodes, Lelouch definitely had this coming, but I think the Black Knights were too quick to jump to "kill him". It's fine if you no longer can trust him in power, but they were rather quick to be willing to sell him out to the Britannians.


To be exact, the audience wasn't angry with the black knights betraying Lelouch since he didn't deserve loyalty from his past behaviors. The audience including myself hated it because the black knights betrayed him after listening to a one-sided story from the leader of their enemy, it just felt stupid especially when these black knights have been utterly useless without a 18-year-old's orders. That being said Lelouch did it to himself, he had it coming


nah nah the rest of the episodes makes a world of differences


Lots to take in from this episode huh. Lelouch lost everything he had been building since the first episode, Rolo was killed off, Schneizel took a decisive win, Emperor Charles in his little adventure, Suzaku finally snapped. Code Geass just gets better and better

Raul Iggynashow

Suzaku also betrayed Lelouch big time but it happened off camera. Most of Schneizel's info at the meeting including the recording came from Suzaku.

Raul Iggynashow

Evan after Rivalz survived a nuclear attack he was too scared to ask Millie out. He's hopeless. Maybe Lelouch could help a friend out and geass Rivals to ask her out.


Can't really call it betrayal if Suzaku was never on his side though, it did happen on screen where Schneizel pressured him to spill everything in order to minimize casualties. Schneizel had been plotting for half a season now, this episode is when he finally had Lelouch on checkmate.

Raul Iggynashow

Of all people Diethard was the voice of reason advocating for Lelouch. Hahaha. He was even succeeding for a while.


And once again, like what he did with the EU, Schneizel tore down the black knights and the UFN just by mind games and dividing them after handing them a devastating defeat where they face a distressing situation and their minds are not clear in order to manipulate and persuade them. Not many shows have villains done this well

Raul Iggynashow

The no body no death does not apply to Nunnally and Sayoko because the FLEIJA would have vaporized everything even the air leaving no trace. of a body at all. Plus if Nunnally survived Lelouch would of heard from Sayoko.


Regarding the spoiler in comments thing: - I haven't really seen spoilers here on Patreon, so thanks to everbody here! - For youtube, maybe you can have a mod check (and fix) all comments or the first 30 or something right before you look at them. I think that might be fairly convenient


Code Geass doesn't have any source material btw. It was written to be aired as anime.


What really gets me this ep was when rolo and lelouch were fleeing the scene, every time rolo uses his geass he confesses his feeling to lelouch but it couldn't get to lelouch because he was frozen.


"i hope they dont use the fleija again" :3


when it comes to everything legit nunnally was the only thing that breaks his character/mask as zero. even shirleys death didnt break him, well it did but he was still able to keep his mask on. but whenever it involves nunnally he simply cant control himself. she is his entire world after all. and yeah rolo character was a roller coaster ride. it was like at first he was a sus dude, then he became ok, then everyone hated him, and now we feel bad for him. he was still just a baby technically when it comes to his own feelings. the boy never learned anything except how the geass order taught him to kill


It's debatable whether Schneizel is really the villain here. From what it looks like Lelouch killed a ton of people over the course of the whole series and what did it all lead to? No free Japan and Tokyo settlement "vanished". Even if he had freed Japan as a result: Would it have been worth it?


sucks if someone spoilered you; beside the Mecha-action the plot twists are one of the show's pillars :/ well, maybe Todoh just got used to not really understanding the reasoning behind Zero's plans until everything comes together, so he didn't object so much to the thought of Zero priorizing the search for Nunnally, I don't know... I guess Rolo did as well as he could given his circumstances; at least he found someone whom he found worth fighting for...but Lelouche did the same thing as with Suzaku at the end; tell him what he thought he wanted to hear. But macabre (I think) side-note: out of all the people in the show's world, Lloyd the Sociopath is one of the nicer people XD One thing I noticed since subscribing to your channel: Seems like you don't call yourself stupid or dumb anymore! 😊

Bilal Rajput

imagine someone laughing at rem in episode 15 i felt the same when you laughed at lelouch it did really hurt. this guy is having a mental breakdown and you are telling him he is being stupid while telling suzaku who willingly decided to install the flare in his knightmare that its not his fault


Rem didn’t do anything to deserve that consequence, everything Lelouch did led up to that moment, I didn’t laugh at him but I didn’t exactly feel bad for him either. As for Suzaku, even if he installed it he never planned to use it until Lelouch’s geass took over his mind. I can’t say that for any other Britannian soldiers who would install it if he refused.


All the more crazy it is for studio sunrise to have written this story all by themselves without dedicated manga artist or light novel writers