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"Didn't he write a bunch of names prior in his Death Note, of who would die on certain dates?" Yes, he did. Admittedly, either the dialogue or the translation could be a bit clearer here, but they're explicitly talking about newly broadcast criminals, not criminals who were publicly known prior to Light's incarceration. Those previously written deaths are still happening, but because L knows Kira can control the time of death, those data points are considered insignificant. He's focused on the people who weren't publicly revealed as criminals until AFTER Light was incarcerated, since an imprisoned Light shouldn't have a way to obtain information on new criminals to continue to kill them. THIS is what has stopped; since Light was imprisoned, no NEW criminal has been killed, which greatly increases suspicion on Light. EDIT: Annnd you bring that point up yourself about a minute later, but the dialogue admittedly could have been a bit clearer on that.


It's certainly easier to act innocent if you are convinced you are innocent


...wait, I was right? okay...so Light now is certaing that he isn't Kira & that he's being framed & the killings have started again, so I guess someone wrote names again, all at once. Ryuk is a chance, but so far he made it his policy not to interfere, without gainin anything by it, no matter how it goes for Light...at least not without being tricked into it. Let's assume the Deathnote Light got is still burried, where did Rem's extra Deathnote go after she flew off? Might not be a popular opinion but I agree: just because Misa did bad things it doesn't mean you can't emphasize with them, Misa even with her obsession is far more humane than Light; most people aren't pure black or white, so its possible to feel with their human side.


it's hard to feel sympathy for her when you she wouldn't hesitated to kill anyone if Kira told her. If he said something like kill a bunch of highschooler because I need a distraction she would kill them no question asked without even feeling any remorse.