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EDIT: I’m not feeling well all of a sudden. My stomach is killing me. I’m going to lie down and rest for awhile and see if I feel better once I get up. If I don’t upload it today, then I’ll definitely have it up by tomorrow afternoon. ❤️

EDIT: I just finished recording. I have to edit it now and that usually takes around 20 mins so it probably won’t be up until 1 hour from now.



Oh man, episode 18 and 19 are fucking PACKED. Prepare yourself.


nobody ready

Raul Iggynashow

Most of the final 8 episodes are loaded probably generating a long review for each one. So I prefer you react to each of the final 8 episodes one at a time as opposed of doing a back to back reaction as some may ask for. After each episode you'll need a few days to recover as you'll find out tonight. LOL

Raul Iggynashow

Yikes I think her stomach is giving a bad omen for Episode 18. Get well soon.


Some of the most painfully stomach ache I've had in my life just disappeared after going to bed and waking up...well except one time where it lasted 2 months lol